36 Words to use with ed

© 7Apr24, A778911. R83895, 1Oct51, Benziger Bros., inc. (PWH) CLEVENGER, JOSEPH R., ed. Parsons' and Clevenger's annual practice manual of New York.

Cocky cocker book: a cur-tail-ed history of li'l' Miss Muffet.

Com' un poco di raggio si fu messo Nel doloroso carcere, ed io scorsi Per quattro visi il mio aspetto stesso, Ambo le mani per dolor mi morsi: E quei pensando ch' i 'l fessi per voglia Di manicar, di subito levorsi E disser: Padre, assai ci sia men doglia, Se tu mangi di noi: tu ne vestisti Queste misere carni, e tu le spoglia.

Permanent ed. 1932 cumulative annual pocket parts to Jan. 1, 1933, for v.1-15.

as, '~In =a sw=eet R~es~on=ance, ~All th~eir f=eet ~In th=e d=ance ~All th=e n=ight T~inkl~ed l=ight.'

[Footnote 21: "Di se stesso presunse maravigliosamente tanto, che essendo egli glorioso nel colmo del reggimento della republica, e ragionandosi trà maggiori cittadini di mandare, per alcuna gran bisogna, ambasciata a Bonifazio Papa VIII., e che principe della ambasciata fosse Dante, ed egli in ciò in presenzia di tutti quegli che ciò consigliavano richiesto, avvenne, che soprastando egli alla risposta, alcun disse, che pensi?

Les Loops: ed. entierement remaniee.

The shanghai-ed ship.

[Illustration: In shel-ter-ed nooks, by ri-ver-sides, The strange-ly-beard-ed Bar-bel hides.]

[70] Le Tre Porte del Battistero di San Giovanni di Firenze, incise ed illustrate (Firenze, 1821), contains outlines of all Andrea Pisano's and Ghiberti's work.

See Il Duomo di Orvieto, descritto ed illustrato per Lodovico Luzi, pp.

"Who knows not how the trembling judge beheld The peaceful court with arm~ed legions fill'd?" Rowe cor.

His mo-ther heard him with a be-wil-der-ed look, as if she heard the pro-po-sal for the first time; and her grief burst forth with un-con-trol-la-ble vi-o-lence as she threw her arms round his neck with an a-go-ny on-ly known to a fond mo-ther.

His heart fail-ed him as he saw how im-pos-si-ble it was for him to pro-ceed: in-deed, as he sat him-self down on the edge of the ca-ta-ract, he could not help weep-ing at his un-ex-pect-ed di-lem-ma.

* * 40 pic' tures pal' ace four' teen fa' mous ly scul' lion re past' in hal' ing en chant' ed mat' tress char' coal land' scapes ar' chi tect PETER OF CORTONA.

"A narrow pass the horn~ed mole divides.

re-lax-ed its hold; and the o-gress, with one des-pair-ing cry, whirl-ed o-ver and o-ver, and fell with such a plump in-to the sea, that the spray flew o-ver the high-est tow-er, and the fish-es swam a-way in ter-ror.

* * 37 wits hale borne suit' ed prop' er

He look-ed from right to left, and his way seem-ed bar-red by this tre-men-dous ob-sta-cle.

The long-est day will, how-e-ver, have an end: but when Wil-lie's first day wa-ned, the farm-er was struck with as-to-nish-ment at be-hold-ing the gold-en rows of hea-vy corn, stand-ing for his ad-mi-ra-tion in the well ti-ed sheaves.

Rage made the face of the o-gress glow like a fur-nace, as she made a pounce at poor Wil-lie for his ill-ad-vis-ed speech; and she would have caught him in her gripe, had he not dod-ged round a large bun-dle of ve-ge-ta-bles which luck-i-ly lay on the floor.

The old lock-er was o-pen-ed, and his on-ly shoes, trea-sur-ed for high-days and ho-li-days, were ta-ken out and brush-ed up, as was al-so his best suit, which was in-deed ve-ry lit-tle bet-ter than the care-ful-ly mend-ed suit of his e-ve-ry-day wear.

" "They my football coaches, phys-ed teachers," Ken said.

Wil-lie fell on his knees, and re-turn-ed thanks for his de-li-ver-ance; then, look-ing round for the hands, he found they had va-nish-ed.

[Illustration: Those who the South-ern O-cean cross, Meet with the wide-wing-ed Al-ba-tross.]

36 Words to use with  ed