16 Words to use with editions

New edition teacher's manual for Keys to good English, book 2, eighth grade.

Complete works; the Cambridge edition text, as edited by William Aldes Wright, including the Temple notes.

(See Cleaveland's Mineralogy 1st edition page 345.) CAPE CLINTON, between Rodd's Bay and the Percy Islands.

These two lines, which are obviously metrical, all former editions print as prose.

Nouvelle edition conforme au texte original augmentee de fragments inedits et precedee d'une introduction de Luc Monnier.

Official edition Oklahoma statutes.

By Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoi, premiere edition integrale traduit par Edouard Beaux.

Some later editions print tourné.

As the present edition adheres to the text of the first edition, "The Death-Bed" is included in its original place as decided by the author.

To the enlarged tenth edition zoölogists point back to this day as to the bed-rock on which they built their science.

But after all these deductions, we remain of the opinion that Mr. White has given us the best edition hitherto published, and we do not like him the less for an occasional crotchet.

In the edition of 1836 these two couplets of 1815 were compressed into one, and in that edition lines 200-201 preceded lines 198-199.

A LE BIEN PRENDRE, 'If you look at things rightly.' PASSEZ, 'Overlook.' LES, in later editions mes, which is evidently the better form.

No former editions number this scene, but read 'Enter Diana, Scene a Bedchamber.' p. 47, l. 33 unto.

The 1840 edition returns to the text of 1807.]

The Chinese editions state there were one thousand of the Sãkya seed.

16 Words to use with  editions