23 Words to use with efforts

Lord Louis was obstinate, and Mr. Myrvin, finding all his efforts fruitless, accompanied his pupil, very much to the annoyance of the whole party, who determined to render his sojourn with them so distasteful, that he would quickly withdraw himself.

You see, when competition ceases, effort ceases.

It is a matter of pride with the engineers of fast trains to keep close to their schedules, and their good records depend largely on this running-time, but delays of various kinds creep in, and in spite of their best efforts engineers are not always able to make all their schedules.

And for thine honored form how fit the place, Where childhood's ear instruction would receive; Preside o'er all, lend all our efforts grace, To learn God's love, and on his word believe.

If any person accidentally acquireth any wealth, it is said he deriveth it from chance, for no one's effort hath brought about the result.

It is now my purpose to publish a portion of the work, on the nature, extent, and horrors of the slave trade, and the failure of the efforts hitherto made to suppress it,

Pleasure + effort-image = impulse.

Finding Allied jealousy so great as to render all their efforts impotent, first General Bolderoff and then his successor, the Supreme Governor, began to organise armies on their own for the protection of the people and their property.

Soudain, on entendit dans la nuit sépulcrale Comme un dernier effort jetant un dernier râle; L'Etna, fauve atelier du forgeron maudit, Flamboya; le plafond de l'enfer se fendit, Et, dans une clarté blême et surnaturelle, On vit des mains d'Iblis jaillir la sauterelle.

Still, any kind of effort-making is better than inaction, and there is something sublime in seeing men working in dead earnest at anything, pursuing an object with glacier-like energy and persistence.

Fortunately, at that time an incident occurred which effected the mate's purpose better than any efforts man could have made.

Une telle décision s'imposait parce que depuis la date de la remise de la note austro-hongroise au Gouvernement Serbe et les premières démarches de la Russie cinq jours s'étaient écoulés, et cependant le Cabinet de Vienne n'avait fait aucun pas pour aller au-devant de nos efforts pacifiques; au contraire, la mobilisation de la moitié de l'armée austro-hongroise avait été décrétée.

'Je fais tous les efforts possibles pour être sec,' he says of himself.

The best spirit animates the officers and crews, and there is every reason to anticipate from its efforts results beneficial to commerce and honorable to the nation.

He carried with him the determination to bring the villains to justice and was filled with the conviction that through his efforts retribution would fall upon the murderers.

Oh! yool be the ruination of this family with your confounded efforts seekin arter fame.

The best advice to such a speaker is: Make your first effort simple.

They knew that their blood and breeding, though making it probable that they would with proper effort succeed, yet entitled them to no success which they could not fairly earn in open contest with their rivals.

I put it to the reader at the end of this study, which I have made with all the candour and all the honesty at my disposal, and which I believe to represent essentially the truth, whether or no he agrees that the European anarchy is the real cause of European wars, and if he does, whether he is ready for his part to support a serious effort t

There, try once more with effort vain, To mould in one perplexed things; And find the solace yet again Faith in the Father brings.

Yesterday you could swing yourself three rounds upon the horizontal ladder; to-day, after weeks of effort, you have suddenly attained to the fourth, and instantly all that long laborious effort vanishes, to be formed again between you and the fifth round: five, five is the only goal for heroic labor to-day; and when five is attained, there will be six, and so on while the Arabic numerals hold out.

And when in despite of all his efforts war came, he was justified in saying, as he did say to the national parliament, that the Greeks had the right to present themselves before the civilized world with head erect because this new war which was bathing with blood the Balkan Peninsula had not been provoked by Greece or brought about by the demand of Greece to receive satisfaction for all her ethnological claims.

" "I agree with you, as respects the meeting, which has been conceived in ignorance and low malice, and will probably end, as all such efforts end, in ridicule.

23 Words to use with  efforts