14 Words to use with elects

The radiant beings who tune their citherns on the clouds of Paradise, or scatter roses for elect souls, could not live and breathe in the fiery atmosphere of sensuous passions to which the Baglioni were habituated.

John says you make him think of the elect lady, in the Bible, you know.

So I, the undivine abode Of his elect content, Conform my soul as 't were a church Unto her sacrament.

And as Buxtorfius adds, "so ignorant and self-willed withal, that amongst their most understanding Rabbins you shall find nought but gross dotage, horrible hardness of heart, and stupendous obstinacy, in all their actions, opinions, conversations: and yet so zealous with all, that no man living can be more, and vindicate themselves for the elect people of GOD."

Thus while God spake, ambrosial fragrance fill'd All Heavn, and in the blessed Spirits elect Sense of new Joy ineffable diffus'd.

It is essential to understand the same "elect servant" all along.

We must have millions of men in order to produce a few elect spirits: a thousand was enough in Greece.

I now began to look into my Bible with new eyes, and became conscious of my lack of faith, and was often ready to sink with faintness in my mind, lest I should prove not to be an elect vessel of the mercy of God.

I suppose that the great British common-weals over-seas, at present not represented in Parliament, would also and separately at the same time elect colleges to appoint their representatives.

Thus is Christ, among spiritual things, in the elect world of his Church; all things are 'made manifest by the light', says the Apostle, 'Eph'.

MESSIAH (i. e. the Anointed one), one consecrated of God, who the Jewish prophets predicted would one day appear to emancipate the Jewish people from bondage and exalt them in the eyes of all the other nations of the earth as His elect nation, and for the glory of His name.

Nor are the persons made in a lodge under dispensation, to be considered as members of the lodge; for, as has already been shown, they have none of the rights and privileges which attach to membershipthey can neither make bye-laws nor elect officers.

'If a country girl, now, had spoken in that tone,' said he to himself, 'it would have been called at least "saucy"but Mammon's elect ones may do anything.

But you, the children of light, the elect saints, the poor of this world rich in faith, let the vermin eat your lives out, and then fall down and worship them afterwards.

14 Words to use with  elects