8 Words to use with enmity

" "Well, let it pass; nor will I now Fresh cause of enmity avow, To chafe thy mood and cloud thy brow.

The foresaid attempt and ouerthrowe, bred greater enmity betweene the Portugales and them of Bantam, and gaue an especiall occasion for the aduancement of our traffique.

They say a golden Ball Bred enmity betwixt three goddesses; So shall this crown be author of debate Betwixt five senses.

The healthy pastime of tulip growing became, under these conditions, a morbid and evil occupation for Boxtel, while Van Baerle, on the other hand, totally unaware of the enmity brewing, threw himself into the business with the keenest zest, taking for his motto the old aphorism, "To despise flowers is to insult God.

To grace their nuptial dayboth old and young, The hymeneal gratulations sung: "May this young moon bring happiness and joy, And every source of enmity destroy.

His Prayer in the same work makes us feel that he could see the divine touch in human nature: "No enmity hast Thou towards anything...

When one that hath been first injured, succeedeth in revenging himself upon his foe at a time when the latter's enmity hath borne fruit and flowers, he is regarded to have accomplished a great thing by his prowess.

They not only steal from white men, but tribes that are at enmity steal from each other, and the boldness with which they do this is most remarkable.

8 Words to use with  enmity