45 Words to use with era

Hammond, Inc. (PWH); 13Oct66; R395050. HAMMOND, INC. Hammond's new era atlas of the world.

Popular common school educationIroquois name for MackinackIts scenic beauties poetically consideredPhenomenon of two currents of adverse wind meetingAudubon's proposed work on American quadrupedsAdarioGeographical range of the mocking-birdRemoval from the West to the city of New YorkAn era accomplishedVisit to Europe.

Ma non vi giunser prima ch'un uom pazzo Giacer trovaro in su l'estreme arene, Che, come porco, di loto e di guazzo Tutto era brutto, e volto e petto e schene.

Non eravam partiti già da ello, Ch' i' vidi duo ghiacciati in una buca Si, che l'un capo a l'altro era capello: E come 'l pan per fame si manduca, Così 'l sovran li denti a l'altro pose Là've 'l cervel s'aggiunge con la nuca.

Era capitán de granaderos en 1808; batióse contra los franceses, derramando a ocasiones su propia sangre, y ya coronel, y cambiadas las circunstancias públicas, abandonó las armas en 1814 para entregarse a las letras.

Ella era caprichosa, caprichosa y extravagante, como todas las mujeres del mundo.

i buon destrieri; E si scorgeano al lume de la luna, Dandosi colpi dispietati e fieri, Ch' era ciascun difor forte

El hombre aquel había vuelto la cara y me había mirado... digo mal, no me había mirado, porque era ciego....

[Footnote 2: In a note I have from John L. Marye (sometime Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia), he says: "As to the habit of the Parish Minister to conduct or overlook the schools, it would appear must probable that this was the case in 1745, when we remember how destitute at that era colonial society was of well-organized public or private schools (save the Tutors in families).

At the end of a day devoted partly to sheer vacuous idleness and partly to the monotonous simple machinery of physical existenceeverlasting cookery, everlasting cleanliness, everlasting stitcheryher mother did not with a yearning sigh demand, "Must this sort of thing continue for ever, or will a new era dawn?"

El paje, que era delgado, muy delgado, y amarillo como la muerte, se sonrió de una manera extraña al presentarle la brida.

Dr. Scrivener also says [Endnote 322:3]: 'The universal belief of later ages, and the very nature of the case, seem to render it unquestionable that the Syrian Church was possessed of a translation both of the Old and New Testament, which it used habitually, and for public worship exclusively, from the second century of our era downwards: as early as A.D. 170

A revolution of this same Chinese character did young Oxford of that era effect in the constitution of mail-coach society.

Nam nunquam era errans mea domo efferret pedem Medea, animo aegra, amort saevo saucia.- The variations of the translation from the original are instructive not only its tautologies and periphrases, but also the omission or explanation of the less familiar mythological names, e. g. the Symplegades, the Iolcian land, the Argo.

Ni era fácil, supuestas las ideas dominantes, cuya filiación española databa del reinado de Carlos III, que un joven de su carácter e inclinaciones dejara de formar en el bando de los Martínez de la Rosa, Alcalá Galiano y Quintana, y a que en esfera menos activa pertenecían hasta hombres que, como Gómez Hermosilla y Moratín, aceptaron el gobierno efímero de José Bonaparte.

La tía Casca era famosa en todos estos contornos, y me bastó distinguir sus greñas blancuzcas que se enredaban alrededor de su frente como culebras, sus formas extravagantes, su cuerpo encorvado y sus brazos disformes, que se destacaban angulosos

Et era fuori in mille luoghi scritto, E così in casa in altri tanti il muro, Angelica e Medoro, in varii modi Legati insieme di diversi nodi.

Era già il Conte in su l' arcion salito, Perchè, come si mosse il

That's why the men who want to hurry up and start a new political era imprison kings and cut their heads off.

La situación era insostenible.

Ella era joven, casi una niña, hermosa y pálida.

para, for, to, in order to; con, to, amongst; estar , to be about to; la cosa no era menos, nothing less could be expected; nada, in any (or no) respect; at all; que, so that, in order that; no hay qué decir que se fastidiaban, it is needless to say they were bored; ¿ que?

" "Era mistake.

aun en el sueño veía cruzar, perderse y tornar de nuevo una mujer, una mujer morena y hermosa, que llevaba la joya de oro y de pedrería; una mujer, , porque ya no era la Virgen que yo adoro y ante quien me humillo, era una mujer, otra mujer como yo, que me miraba y se

[Footnote 1: "La cara que tenia era muy

45 Words to use with  era