18 Words to use with essence

But who can tell what essence angels are, 20 Or how long Heaven was making Lucifer?

Coerced, thy Spirit smiled, sedate in pride, Fixt as the pine, while circling storms contend; But, when in Life's serener duties tried, How sweetly did its gentle essence blend, All-beauteous in the wife, the daughter, and the friend!

It is something to have at least tasted the cup, and perhaps it is better to turn with writhing lips from the bitter drop near the brim than, drinking it fairly out, to find its sweets pall on the palate, its essence cease to warm the heart and stimulate the brain.

With God the ground of his action is the same as the ground of his existence; God's power and his essence coincide (I. prop.

The sentimental historians speak as if the blame had been all ours, and the wrong all done to our foes, and as if it would have been possible by any exercise of wisdom to reconcile claims that were in their very essence conflicting; but their utterances are as shallow as they are untruthful.

Before turning to the treasury of his noblest verse, I shall give six lines from a poem in the Arcadiachiefly for the sake of instancing what great questions those mighty men delighted in: What essence destiny hath; if fortune be or no; Whence our immortal souls to mortal earth do stow: What life it is, and how that all these lives do gather, With outward maker's force, or like an inward father.

Our humble province is to tend the fair; Not a less pleasing, though less glorious, care; To save the powder from too rude a gale, Nor let the imprisoned essences exhale....

In them all, we may suppose, Life, tired of inventing merely prehensile, destructive and reproductive organs, hit upon the happy thought of contrivances which are in essence chemical factories to speed up the rate of variation and so of a higher evolution.

No discoverable necessary connexion between nominal essence gold, and other simple ideas.

Let us ever remember and cherish in our heart of hearts those golden fore-tastes of future eternity, or (according to Platonism) those rapturous reminiscences of past, which prove beyond logical demonstration, the existence of some vital principle in man, godlike in faculties, in essence immaterial, in duration, immortal!

And this we shall find to be that which the word essence imports in its most familiar use.

since God is light, And never but in unapproached light Dwelt from eternitydwelt then in thee, Bright effluence of bright essence increate!

Rabelais solves the grave problem of the goodliness of Friar John's nose by the comprehensive formula, "Because God willed it so"; and it is well for us in most cases to enjoy Shakspeare in the same pious way,to smell a rose without bothering ourselves about its having been made expressly to serve the turn of the essence-peddlers of Shiraz.

In its essence politics is merely a mode of expressing human sympathy.

" At the outset of any movement which, whatever may be its form, is in its essence revolutionary, and only to be justified on grounds that justify a revolution, the leaders, though loud in declamation about the wrongs to be remedied, always hesitate to speak in plain terms concerning the remedies which they really have in mind.

fine sugar, 1/2 teaspoonful baking powder, 1/2 teaspoonful essence vanilla, 4 ozs.

She had already sent away her spirit, the âme, or essence vitale, or whatever it is, and then the body simply grows cold.

From a fragrant essence wine has become a coarse reality,a convention.

18 Words to use with  essence