68 Words to use with farmer

Upon the outskirts he met a farmer boy, who, in reply to a question, said that the town was Connell.

Farmer-folks in Californy ain't got the money ter spend in readin' matter.

The small farmer class were deprived of holdings, the soil was being worked by slaves, and its products wasted on pleasure and debauchery by the rich; the law courts were controlled by the wealthy and powerful, while oppression, bribery, and fraud were generally rampant in the city.

The little runaway!" cried the farmer man as he saw the pig.

How does the Southern farmer procure slaves?

We're farmer people, of course, with the exception of the few who live at the station; we're farmers but we're decent peopleand we're pretty well-to-do farmerswe have only one woman in the districtthat we sort of wish wasn't there.

But tell me, Tom, didst thou ever hear of the farmer girl who counted her chickens before they were hatched?" It was thus they talked as they hurried along up the beach together, and so came to a place at last where Tom stopped short and stood looking about him.

He changed his clothes and satisfied his hunger; then, saddling his horse, he started out to visit his farmer neighbors.

The Outsider When I was a farmer lad I noticed that whenever we bought a new cow, and turned her into the pasture with the herd, there was a general inclination on the part of the rest to make the new cow think she had landed in the orthodox perdition.

" "Ah, then ye'll not a kenned farmer Dykes that lived by the Lin-tree Scaur.

He found his way into the house of Madame Dupin, wife of a rich farmer-general (of taxes).

Multitudes of ancestral homesteads were then left behind by the last farmer-descendant of the old line.

No ordinarily intelligent farmer doubts for a moment that all of this is true in the breeding of stock.

Their reunion was celebrated with an old-fashioned dinner of roast beef and potatoes, hot biscuit and honey, an apple pie that would have made a New England farmer dream of his ancestors, and the inevitable coffee of the high country.

" The rural economy of the month is thus described by the same writer:"The farmer endeavours to finish his ploughing this month, and then lays up his instruments for the spring.

Another farmer entersa rather rougher-looking manand, without saying a word, turns to the advertisement boards on which the posters of farms to be let, &c., are displayed.

That an old tenant, the descendant of one of the oldest tenant-farmer families, should exhaust the soil in this way seemed the blackest return for the good feeling that had existed for several generations.

In such parts as Mr. Brown in "New Men and Old Acres," the farmer father in "Dora," Diogenes in "Iris," no one could have bettered him.

" "Fool, why was he not satisfied with his money?" "Do you call the farmer fool, because he is not satisfied with the soil, but wishes to grow wheat thereon?

At the Digby farm the machine was turned off to take the cross roads and at this spot they encountered a buggy coming toward them driven by a farmer friend of Mr. Blake's.

One might as well call a farmer gallant because, when he kills the young roosters for broilers, he saves the young hens.

"Wal, if Dorn sees you as you look nowsleeves rolled up, apron on, flour on your nosea regular farmer girlan' sure huggable, as Jake saysyou won't have no trouble winnin' him.

By their interest in the greater world of society, literature, art, and music (more musical publications probably are now sold for the country in a month than used to be in a year), they have made the somewhat narrow-sighted farmer glance outside his parish.

The labourers who hear the carter's story tell it again to their own employer next time they see him, and the farmer meeting another farmer gossips over it again.

It has one hundred and twenty-five genuine consumers' cooperative associations, seventy-five of which are among farmer groups and the remaining fifty among city consumers.

68 Words to use with  farmer