4 Words to use with foresaid

Our Uncle who is above 50, has £400 per Annum, which at the foresaid Rate, is £8000.

The foresaid attempt and ouerthrowe, bred greater enmity betweene the Portugales and them of Bantam, and gaue an especiall occasion for the aduancement of our traffique.

I will not trouble you with the whole conversation, though it would make an excellent scene in a farce; but after they had in the best bred way in the world convinced me that they thought I lied when I talked of reading without glasses, the foresaid matron obligingly said she should be very proud to see the writing I talked of, having heard me say formerly I had no correspondents but my daughter and Mr. Wortley.

but hark you brother Prig, Shall we do nothing in the foresaid wedding?

4 Words to use with  foresaid