3 Words to use with frittering

FRITTER BEANS Beat one egg until light, add three-fourths teaspoon of salt, one-half cup of flour and two tablespoons of water.

ORANGE FRITTERS Yolks of two eggs beaten with two spoons of sugar, stir into this the juice of quarter of a lemon and just enough flour to thicken like a batter; add the beaten whites and dip in one slice of orange at a time, take up with a large kitchen spoon and lay in the hot oil or butter-substitute and fry a nice brown.

For which reason, he would have been inclined entirely to disregard the petty depredations which the writers of several of them have committed upon his earlier text, were it not possible, that by such a frittering-away of his work, he himself might one day seem to some to have copied that from others which was first taken from him.

3 Words to use with  frittering