9 Words to use with funguses

"The ants put the leaves away until they are covered with a fungus growth.

He told how they cut leaves and made fungus beds, and how their nests in Caracas are sometimes a hundred yards across.

These microscopic plants belong to the great fungus division, and consist of many varieties, which may be roughly divided into groups, according as they are spherical, rod-like, spiral, or otherwise in shape.

The fungi flourish; there is a huge specimen on the elm there, but the flowers are nearly gone.

Experiments with prepared rope, exposed in a fungus pit, by Mr. James Archbald, Chief Engineer of the Delaware and Hudson Canal, seemed also favorable.

Whether it is a degraded South Sea Islander making a crude intoxicant from a sugary plant, a Japanese preparing his favorite alcoholic beverage from the fermentation of rice by means of a fungus plant grown for the purpose, a farmer of this country making cider from fermenting apple juice, or a French expert manufacturing costly champagne by a complicated process, the outcome and the intent are one and the same.

He cut his finger rather badly with one of the bottlesthe only bloodshed in this storyand what with that, and the systematic convulsion of his inexperienced physiology by the liquorish brand of Mrs. Coombes' stout, it may be the evil of the fungus poison was somehow allayed.

In a very moist soil the water penetrates too much into the tissues, detaches the bark, the plant blackens at the root, and a white fungus attaches to the main stem and lower branches; it becomes feeble, diseased, and dies.

Here the fungus threads keep pace with the growth of the plant and reach maturity at or slightly before harvest-time.

9 Words to use with  funguses