74 Words to use with gambling

He struts about the streets of The Corner as a great mine owner, and with the power of Lord Nick behind him, not one of the people of the gambling houses and dance halls dares cross him.

Editor of a newspaper? or keeper of a gambling-table?

"I mean," said my mother very quietly, "that since a gambling debt is not recoverable by law, we have only to live on quietly here and no one will dare disturb us.

People must be amused, but he was running a summer hotel, not a gambling den.

They believed him clever at effecting all that is done in gambling-hells and in robbers' caves, but with this transposition, that he would cheat in the caves, and that he would assassinate in the gambling-hells.

The bitterness of my misery was brought home to me with new force when I saw Bernardo at a gambling saloon in the company of a handsome woman of doubtful reputation.

It's a dirty gamethe gambling game.

All the way to the substantial little house which Lebrun had built at a little distance from the gambling hall, she kept up a running fire of steady conversation.

You seen how only clerking in them was nearly your ruinationthe little gambling-room-in-the-back kind that you pick out.

It was one of those low theatres that do so much damage to the like of her; there was a gambling place one side of it, an eating saloon the other.

Nothing had to do with it but the fiendish system of fraud and trickery upon which the whole stock-gambling structure is reared.

Colonel Macon, you have the gambling spirit; you are willing to take great chances!"

"Probably the doings of the Harewood Club, which was essentially a gambling club, would for ever have remained 'officially' absent from the knowledge of the police authorities but for the murder in the Regent's Park and the revelations which came to light in connection with it.

But Reeve, standing erect like some duelist of old, his left hand tucked into the hollow of his back, took the great gambling chance and refused to shoot to kill.

You see, I know some Spanish and something about running a gambling joint.

When she was lost in the gambling match, and Duhshásana tried to strip her, still as he pulled off one dress, another appeared below it, refusing to leave her naked.

It was doubtless necessary to do without gold and silver in our life-and-death struggle with the South; but it was nevertheless a misfortune, seen in the gambling operations and the wild fever of speculation which attended the immense issue of paper money after the war.

In cases of more than ordinary wealth for an Indian, much of his personal property is now, and has ever been, reserved from burial with the body, and forms the basis for a gambling party, which will be described hereafter.

The new casino proves an "extra" attraction in summer, but it is to be regretted that, for gambling purposes alone, many people should be drawn to this quaint old-world town, so worthy of a visit for its picturesqueness alone.

"The town has entered a complaint against the Asylum as a gambling establishment," he said to my friend, the Director.

To pay the gambling losses of this unscrupulous lover, to the extent of two hundred thousand francs, the Countess de Restaud induced Old Goriot to sell out of the funds nearly all that remained of his great fortune, and give the proceeds to her.

Political contests are here represented under the character of gambling transactions, and if we mistake not, there is a distinct allusion to more than one important contest in the annals of this country.

I understood afterwards, that before the fair was over, the gamester avenged himself for this injury in the other's blood: that he then returned to the fair, secretly entered another gambling booth, where he betted so rashly, that he soon lost not only his patrimonial estate, which was large, but his acquired wealth, which was much larger.

They piled up not only the gambling business but all the other things I'd done and left undone for two years and a half and dumped the whole avalanche on my head at once.

Though elated by victory, Piers was not drawn by the gambling vice.

74 Words to use with  gambling