19 Words to use with garages

The last sound he heard was the steady snoring of the garage man.

You can lose more tire testers in the garage business" "Well, now, you watch Casey!

"Gimme one of them dog-goned blankety bing-bing Ford auty-mo-biles," he commanded the garage owner who came to meet Casey amiably in his shirt sleeves.

Jerry says I ought to pay for tapping the garage current.

There was a train at noon, and from his garage door he watched the Smith family start off across the lava rocks to the depot, each one laden with bundles and disreputable grips, the spotted dog trotting optimistically ahead of the party with his pink tongue draped over the right side of his mouth.

So Casey mildly kicked Juan awake and after the garage jack, and himself wheeled out his four great pneumatic tires, and with his jackknife slit the wound paper covering, and wondered what it was that smelled so unpleasant.

The garage manager could hardly believe the story about the broken glass.

He was soon on good terms with those store clerks who were handy men about the house, with women who did all their own work, with blacksmiths and carpenters, with unskilled laborers and garage mechanics.

muttered Casey distractedly, and hobbled into the garage office where he knew Bill kept liniment.

I telephoned the garage people to go after her this morning.

"That's them," said the garage proprietor.

Duncan McBride was chief mechanic in the garage repairshop.

[locations where used articles are sold] auction; flea market; yard sale, garage sale; pawn shop; antiques store; second-hand store, second time around shop, thrift shop.

But at the bottom of the garage steps he called back: "Say, boys, I gotta go away fer

Alongside the Oasis stands the garage, and in the garage swelters Casey, during this episode.

The stables were now empty, but the garage adjoining, whence came the odour of petrol, contained the two Glencardine cars, besides three others belonging to members of that merry, irresponsible house-party.

The trades, carpentering, paper hanging, painting, garage work.

"He doesn't get any money till Wednesday, and I haven't earned enough this week to pay my garage bill.

Phil made one leap and in another moment, before the eyes of his father and Carlotta's, not to mention the interested stare of the Eagle garage chauffeur, he swept his far-away princess into his arms.

19 Words to use with  garages