5 Words to use with gauntlets

Prevent it, resist it, let it not be so, Lest child, child's children, cry against you 'Woe!' The patriotism of the women is described by the Bastard in King John: Your own ladies and pale-visag'd maids Like Amazons come tripping after drums: Their thimbles into armed gauntlets change, Their needles to lances, and their gentle hearts To fierce and bloody inclination.

Mr. Thompson pulled out the same sharp pocket-knife, coarse black thread, and big-eyed needle, which he had used the previous evening, while making Frances a pair of moccasins out of his own gauntlet gloves.

In these I'l arme the fryar from head to knee; Mount him into his saddle, with stronge cords There bind him fast, and to his gauntlet hand

They dared to stand to fight alone, Took up the gauntlet life had thrown, Charged full-front to the fray, Mastered their fear of self, and then Learned that our great men are but men.

But the sleek, fat horse grew poor; the gloves with embroidered gauntlet wrists were cast aside; the trains grew small, and the luxuries vanished, and perhaps the plucky owner made the last few hundred miles on foot, with blistered soles and scanty pack, almost alone.

5 Words to use with  gauntlets