30 Words to use with gits

"Sing out if the goblins git yer.

I never suspicioned that you would be helpin' me git supper down here in the settlement inside o' twenty year.

"Ci-git Margot la genre demoiselle, Qui eut deux maris, et si mourut pucelle.

"Say, Capen, dat Britisher doan git dis chile no more," said Job.

The white folks'll git hold of it one of these days, and then the country'll fill up like Californy.

May the divil git howld of his soul.

An' he says, says he: 'Yew git yer husband, an' bring that air stock over this arternoon; an',' says he, 'I'll realize on it fer yer ter-morrer mornin'.'

Dey didn' have no trouble gittin' him, 'cause us were all scared us'd git kilt, too.

"I reckon they've got nobody to write to, or git letters from.

A horse that can read and write, spell, understand mathematics, go to the post office, git mail from any box, give chapter and verse of Bible text where the horse is mentioned, uses the telephone, and is so intelligent you expect him to break out in oratory any time.

"Dey goin' git marry.

I don't goin' git mix' in wid no white folks's doin's.

An' you, you sacré cochon," hissed Raffin, "I'll make you wish you had nevaire been born!" "Well, jes' fo' de present," laughed Ambrose, good humour spreading all over his face, "you-all had better git outa my way, an' stay out!

They would marrywhat they called marriage in those daysand the husband would have to git permission from his master to go visit his wife and git permission from her master to come there.

Mars Dunkin has sol' 'im ter a nigger-trader up in Patesville, w'at 's gwine ter ship 'im off wid a gang ter-morrer.' "Ole Aun' Peggy 'peared ter git rale stirred up w'en Solomon tol' 'er dat, en sez she, shakin' her stick at 'im: "'W'y did n' you come en tell me 'bout dis noo nigger bein' sol' erway?

" "He wasn't till jest now, not till I saw how yer dogs love you; but I got t' git rid of him.

Den ever'body'd git right.

"'Git out'n de road, you fool nigger,' says Mars Marrabo, 'does yer wanter git run ober?

"'Spec' some one done git saucy!

"No more do I," replied Bachelor Billy; "but we'll no' git scart afoor we're hurt.

Dis de lahst time you two gwine git shore leave on dis trip.'

but I cant tell you mutch wile its rainin Thee git sik and you can come heer to git wel our doctur is bully I havent took no stuf but sitrate of magneeshia

"The thing ter do," drawled Growler sleepily, "is ter do nothin' 'tall till ye git somewheres where somethin's gotter be did, an' then like's not it's too late ter do anything an' all yer trouble's saved for ye!" Rudolf did not think much of this as advice, but Prowler seemed delighted.

whar 'Dolphus lef' de mule a-stan'in', en right in front er de press dey wuz a tub er grape-juice, des pressed out, en a little ter one side a bairl erbout half full er wine w'at had be'n stan'in' two er th'ee days, en had begun ter git sorter sha'p ter de tas'e.

You needn't git oneasy Thanksgivin', or picnic-time, or Easter, or no other time 'twixt this an' nex' Christmasless'n, of co'se, you stray off an' git stole.

30 Words to use with  gits