71 Words to use with good

Our address will be Sandringham, Seaview Road, Bexhill, if you like to write just one line to say good-bye.

Married men considered themselves very fortunate when they could get, on Saturday night, an order on a grocery or dry goods store for four or five dollars, and the single men seldom received more than $2 or $3 cash.

A youth, thewed like an ox, surmounted on a stack of three self provided canned-goods boxes, his in-at-the-waist silhouette thrown out against a sky that was almost ready to break out in stars; a crowd tightening about him.

" "Unapproachable!" "Not a shadow of pretence;the essence of good-breeding founded upon extensive knowledge, and a thorough sense of position and its advantages; in fact, the Napoleon of the parlor.

What is a dry-goods jobber?

Yet one never hears a word of complaint; rather the hardships of this strange existence are borne with rough good-humour.

The town child has many links if he can use them: the goods train, the docks, the grocer's, green-grocer's or draper's shop, foreigners in the street, the vans that come through the silent streets in the early morning; in big towns, such markets as Covent Garden or Leadenhall or Smithfield; such a river as the Thames, Humber or Merseyfrom any one of these beginnings he can reach out from his own small environment to the world.

But if you can say: I am an unlimited dry goods merchant, I am an unlimited carpenter, I will give you an old-fashioned country hand-shake, strong and warm.

They were sometimes confused, but never contradictory, and the sum of them, as I cast it up, was this: A former occupant of the house, one Mr. Timothy Jabbers, had been in early life connected in the dry-goods business with my wife's father, and had, unknown to any but himself, defrauded his partner of a considerable sum for a young swindler,some five hundred dollars, I think.

Some time ago a young man went into the office of one of the largest dry-goods houses in New York and asked for a situation.

One that we love may go upon battle-ground, and we are ready for the worst: we have said our good-bys; our hearts wait and pray: it is his life, not his death, which is the surprise.

" When Mr. P. discovered, after a little conversation in the vernacular, that his companion was a New York dry-goods clerk, he gave up the study of the French-Canadian character and went on with his breakfast.

A firm and unshaken Expectation of another Life, makes him become this; Humanity and Good-nature, fortified by the Sense of Virtue, has the same Effect upon him, as the Neglect of all Goodness has upon many others.

Sloping coral sands, where Arab dhows have beached themselves for ages past, are now supporting the newest and most modern of tropical warehouses and wharves, electric cranes, travelling cargo-carriers and a well-planned railway goods yard that takes the freights of Hamburg to the heart of Central Africa.

In New York it was the League which made possible the large organizations which exist today among the cloak-makers, the waist-makers and other white-goods-workers.

At this moment a man approached, a dry-goods dealer of whom my sister had made some purchases a few months before.

It is a mere matter of goods traffic.

Goods engines on all lines do not vary much.

BECKY. CHAPTER I. "Number five!" called out shrilly and impatiently the saleswoman at the lace counter in a great dry-goods establishment.

The gentlemanly stranger paused at the bar to pay for the brandy, and after bidding the landlord a civil good-evening, with the compliments of the season, followed the Sergeant into the village street.

Add to this the usual average for store-expenses of every name, and for the family-expenses of two, five, or seven partners, and you find a dry-goods firm under the necessity of getting out of their year's sales somewhere from fifteen to a hundred and fifty thousand dollars profit, before they shall have saved one cent to meet the losses of an unfavorable season.

They included a set of gardening tools, several hammocks, croquet and tennis sets, and a remarkable collection of fishing tackle, which the sporting-goods man had declared fitted to catch anything that swam, from a whale to a minnow.

This proposition was called the "goods offer," and was much distorted by the public-press.

This gentleman had a large dry goods trade in the South, notably in Texas.

Just compare one of these beasts with a goods truck or a luggage van!

71 Words to use with  good