67 Words to use with goose

" "You can please me by acting like a human being and not getting me home on wild-goose chases like this.

" Then Robin took his good yew bow in his hand, and placing the tip at his instep, he strung it right deftly; then he nocked a broad clothyard arrow and, raising the bow, drew the gray goose feather to his ear; the next moment the bowstring rang and the arrow sped down the glade as a sparrowhawk skims in a northern wind.

"Don't you think we know that you are Nils the goose boy, who tore down the swallow's nest last year, crushed the starling's eggs, threw baby crows in the marl-ditch, caught thrushes in snares, and put squirrels in cages?

Then everyone saw that it was a blunted gray goose shaft, with a fine scroll, about the thickness of a goose quill, tied near to its head.

Heat one tablespoon of goose fat in a spider; chop up an onion very fine and add to the heated fat.

No archer ever lived that could speed a gray goose shaft with such skill and cunning as his, nor were there ever such yeomen as the sevenscore merry men that roamed with him through the greenwood shades.

It looked as if the whole wild-goose-flock had travelled past.

If a man just recovering from the effects of his first cigar were offered a bowl of hot goose-grease for supper, I suppose he would have felt as I felt.

He went by night to a place where the foundations of a temple were digging, and having found water, either of a spring or rain that had settled there, he hid in it a goose egg, in which he had inclosed a little serpent that had just been hatched.

When these tiny muscles contract from cold or by mental emotion, the follicles project upon the surface, producing what is called "goose flesh.

BANNING, MARGARET CULKIN. Beautiful goose girl.

We were indebted to the overfeeding of these fat priests for a delicacy which was then unknown to mebroiled goose liver with onions.

Since he had proved to the wild geese his ability to travel with them all the way to Lapland, he was perfectly satisfied to get back to the goose pen in Holger Nilsson's cow shed.

[Sensation of cold] chilliness &c adj.; chill; shivering &c v.; goose skin, horripilation^; rigor; chattering of teeth; numbness, frostbite.

Wide and deep my grave will be With the wild good grasses growing over me Wide and deep my grave will be With the wild goose grasses growing over me

Our captain, who is a man of energy, apprehending that he might run ashore or foul of some ship, got up steam immediately, and set to work to perform the goose step at anchor in the harbour.

" "Every time a ship sets out from San Francisco without publishing to all the world just what her business is, all the world thinks it's one of those wild-goose hunts," observed Ives.

The wild-goose storm.

The best way to roast a goose breast is to remove the skin from the neck and sew it over the breast and fasten it with a few stitches under the breast, making an incision with a pointed knife in the breast and joints of the goose, so as to be able to insert a little garlic (or onion) in each incision, also a little salt and ginger.

ROAST GOOSE All goose meat tastes better if it is well rubbed with salt, ginger and a little garlic a day previous to using.

Spread thin slices of bread or nice fresh rolls, with a thin coating of goose oil, slightly salted, then spread the minced goose and cover with a layer of bread which has been previously spread.

This paste is good enough for a goose pie, or any other standing-pie.

The old goose question.

When the miners heard the words, they thought it was their own longing that made the goose-cackle sound like human speech.

Utr. Have at it: Stay, let me swing my Sword thrice round first: now, Now the Graves head ... goose giblitts.

67 Words to use with  goose