17 Words to use with gutters

Thus gutter-children are called "Bedouins." BED'REDEEN' HAS'SAN of Baso'ra, son of Nour'edeen' Ali grand vizier of Basora, and nephew to Schems'edeen' Mohammed vizier of Egypt.

And what she wanted us to understand clearly was that no designing little gutter-snipe was to be allowed to compromise David's future.

At any rate, it is firmly fixed in the minds of most people that gutter-boys, unlike everybody else in the community, find their principal motives for conduct in printed books.

I think of these facts and think of Baudelaire's prose poem, that poem in which he tells how a dog will run away howling if you hold to him a bottle of choice scent, but if you offer him some putrid morsel picked out of some gutter hole, he will sniff round it joyfully, and will seek to lick your hand for gratitude.

For indeed the inns of Germany, and especially of the North, were not at that time such as wise and learned men could readily submit toneither abide in, to be herded with dull, landward peasants and all the tankard-swilling gutter-knaves of the town.

In the midst of exposing Hibonio's sudden infatuation for a gutter-nymph, the essay abruptly ends with the exclamation, "More of this in our next."

Then, I remembered that it was a gutter-pipe, that had been put there some years ago, to carry off the rainwater.

Is it 'Curious Time' or 'Cut for Trumps' or a new decoration for gutter plutocrats?

But I spent a good deal of time in learning to shoot straight with my father's gun; I sent pretty well all the lead gutter round our little church into our best barn door, a thing which has often repented me since, especially as churchwarden.

This basin had been scooped out of set purpose, with a gutter seaward for the overflow, and round it and on the wet patch of the roof above grew a garden of ferns and other clinging plants.

That gutter-stuff!

I do not like a bastard victory, The gutter-waif of chance; the law, look you, My crown's progenitor, I will uphold, For she shall bear a race of victories.

The pitch in the gutter-bank is in its native place, and as it spues slowly out of the soil into the ditch in odd wreaths and lumps, we could watch, in little, the process which has produced the whole depositprobably the whole lake itself.

He was the genuine rough, with pale, beardless face, blinking eyes, and twisted mouth, the real gutter-weed that sprouts up amid the Parisian manure-heaps.

A gutter cut in the stone floor to carry off the drippings formed by the condensation of the air upon the cold surface shows that these half-rock dwellings have their drawbacks.

Even the words of this gutter filth he sought to construe into something nattering to himself.

Five years from now that gutter-godling of yours will be doing work that will make people forget poor little me and my poor little figurines.

17 Words to use with  gutters