35 Words to use with handsomer

Why, I think I am a little handsomer man than the shepherd myself; but tell me, master, must I make a privy search, or search in the privy? SEGASTO.

It is the picture of a far handsomer woman, though mother is still pretty; and it is perfection!"

They would surely be fair to Jim, and when she had him ready, with his leather book-bag, his neat blue serge knickerbocker suit, his white collar and well-polished boots, she thought, with a swelling of pride, that there would not be a handsomer child in the school, nor one that was better cared for.

The London mode of cutting the carcase is considered better than that pursued in Edinburgh, as giving three roasting joints, and one boiling, in each quarter; besides the pieces being more equally divided, as regards flesh, and from the handsomer appearance they make on the table.

When at last he stepped forth, in full dress, swinging his light cane, you would have had to hunt a long way to find a handsomer fellow than he.

Did you ever set eyes on a handsomer bird?

There is no handsomer book to be found, none more stately or imposing, than this magnificent folio of sixteen hundred pages, with its close, elaborate letterpress, its innumerable plates, and John Payne's fine frontispiece in compartments, with Theophrastus and Dioscorides facing one another, and the author below them, holding in his right hand the new-found treasure of the potato plant.

I did not join the procession, but on other days I talked, first and last, with a good many of the people; from the preacher, who carried a handsome cane and made me a still handsomer bow, down to a serious little fellow of six or seven years, whom I found standing at the foot of the hill, beside a bundle of dead wood.

Mr. Wilson, who gets about 300 pounds a year, is well-respected by all; he manages to keep down unpleasant feuds; regulates the district peacefully, if slowly, deserves a handsomer church, and would be quite willing, we believe, to be its architect if one were ordered.

"Johnson observed to me, upon this, that "No man could have paid a handsomer compliment; and it was fit for a King to pay.

The schools were to be used for services until a temporary iron church could be obtained, for which Julius, to make up for his churlishness in withholding his own church, made the handsomer donation, and held out hopes of buying it afterwards for the use of Squattles End.

Wait till I put on her a handsomer dress, and I'll bring her myself," pleaded Hagar.

They are very much the same mould, and their voices blend as one, but Cedric has the handsomer face.

When Michelangelo first saw him he asked whose son he was, and, on being informed, uttered this caustic compliment: "Your father makes handsomer living figures than he paints them."

It is impossible to imagine the extreme ugliness of some of the sooty gentry; a decent ourang-outang might, without presumption, vie with many of these people, even of the fair sex, and an impartial judge should certainly decide that the said ourang-outang was the handsomer animal.

"Did you ever see a handsomer Frenchman?" "There are many, and here is one," said he, turning to the young count, who stood behind hima fine youth, tall, strong-built, well-spoken, with blond hair and dark, keen eyes.

"In fact, my dears, if I wasn't afraid of making you conceited, I'd say I'd never seen two handsomer girls in my life.

My school hats always looked the worse for wear, and my Sunday ones were not much better; but once my mother took me to the city, and bought me, for school, a far handsomer hat than I had hitherto worn for best, and a still better one for great occasions.

And in truth this young animal was the wonder of the world, and never had a handsomer horse been reared among the Arabs.

Did you ever see handsomer lace?

"There's things with handsomer mouths than alligators that may be more dangerous.

"I am glad to have the opportunity of telling you how much I thought of those beautiful roses," she said; "I never saw handsomer ones.

"I don't know that I ever saw, your honor, a couple that I thought would make a handsomer pair like, except" Peter's mind dwelt on his own youthful form coupled with the smiling graces of Patty Steele.

D. SERRATIFOLIA (syn Colletia serratifolia), is even a handsomer plant than the former, with minute serrated foliage, and sheets of small white flowers in June.

But I am sure that Mr. Jefferson or the witty Mr. Morris could have found a handsomer reply than yours, Monsieur!

35 Words to use with  handsomer