83 Words to use with heat

Outdoors the sun beat fiercely upon the heads of toiling men and horses while the heat waves danced with a dazzling shimmer along the brick pavements.

The fact is, the young fellow is a good-hearted creature enough, only too fond of his jokes,and if it were not for those heat-lightning winks on one side of his face, I should not mind his fun much.]

BARNARD, EDITH N. Elements of heat-power engineering. R122304.

Avery's eyes were on the thick heat-haze that obscured the sky-line.

HAWKINS, GEORGE A. Elements of heat transfer and insulation.

The voluntary factor, as a means of regulating the heat loss in man, is one of great importance.

(3) He then refers to the actinometer and pyroheliometer, instruments for measuring the actual heat derived from the sun, and also to the Bolometer, an instrument invented by Professor Langley for measuring the invisible heat rays, which he has proved to extend to more than three times the length of the whole heat-spectrum as previously known, and has also shown that the invisible rays contribute 68 per cent, of the sun's total energy.

CLARK, LISA. Materials testing and heat treating.

Now it required a certain number of heat units to produce this steam which after doing its work gives back all its heat again to the feed water and it would be a very interesting problem for some of the young engineers, as well as the old ones, to determine just what loss if any is sustained in this manner of supplying a boiler.

The three curves which begin at the lower left hand corner and rise to the right are heat curves and represent the increase of temperature corresponding with different pressures and volumes, assuming in one case that the temperature of the air before admission to the compressor is zero, in another sixty degrees, and in another one hundred degrees.

This idea was the discovery of some form of heat-engine which should be more economical than the steam-engine, especially as it was in his day.

STOEVER, HERMAN J. Applied heat transmission.

Furies, lend me your fires; no, they are here, They must be other fires, materiall brands That must the burning of my heat allay.

As she left the mill those sultry evenings, with the heat mists still tremulous over the valley and heat lightnings bickering in the west, she went with a lagging step up the village street, not looking, as had been her wont, first toward the far blue mountains, and then at the glorious state of the big valley.

As the result of such an origin as that suggested, Mars would possess a structure which, in the essential feature of heat-distribution, would be the very opposite of that which is believed to characterise the earth, yet it might have been produced by a very slight modification of the same process.

Heat conduction: with engineering and geological applications.

[Transmission of heat] diathermancy^, transcalency^, conduction; convection; radiation, radiant heat; heat conductivity, conductivity.

This may be illustrated by heat and light which proceed from the sun: from them all things appertaining to the earth are derived, which germinate according to their presence and conjunction; and natural heat corresponds to spiritual heat, which is love, as natural light corresponds to spiritual light, which is wisdom.

So I take my leave and pray All the comforts of the day, Such as Phoebus' heat doth send On the earth, may still befriend Thee and this arbour! Clorin.

If the skin is cold, moist, or clammy, the trouble is due to heat exhaustion.

Heat fat until it browns a piece of bread in 40 seconds.

You do confess the king has tempted you, And thinking now and then on gifts and state, A glowing heat hath proudly puff'd you up: But, thanks to God, his grace hath done you good.

At first these will be condensed as they rise into the cooler water above, causing a simmering sound; but as the heat increases, the bubbles will rise higher and higher before collapsing, and in a short time will pass entirely through the water, escaping from its surface, causing more or less agitation, according to the rapidity with which they are formed.

All seemed bent upon their own business, and that business was to escape from the close heat-laden air of the building as quickly as might be.

In mammals and birds the heat-production is more active than in fishes and reptiles, and their temperatures differ in degree even in different species of the same class, according to the special organization of the animal and the general activity of its functions.

83 Words to use with  heat