7 Words to use with hott

Some faggotts instantly: Hott brothes, hott water for them, and warme cloathes.

1. Spaines anger never blew hott coales indeed Till in Queene Elizabeths Raigne when (may I call him so)

And in his dayes it befell that the lord and the estates of the realme had soe many sonns that they had gotten some by their wifes and some by other ladyes of the realme; for that land is a hott land and a plentious of generacion.

Nor doe they handle theis things By rules of truth and reason, but their owne wills Their headstrong hott affections.

Take heed you be not sent to heaven with a powder: a company of hott shotts are abroad, I can tell you.

Devotion, hott zeale, and obediens; these Are vertues that become a cloyster best.

Faith, give the Spanyards their due; they entertaind us handsomely with hott meat; 'twas no cold welcome.

7 Words to use with  hott