39 Words to use with humdrum

It is hardly the thing for Judge Hawthorne of Hollywood to envy John Randolph his humdrum life of mending rakes and shoes," and he urged his horse into a mad gallop.

We have been going on in a happy humdrum way since I last wrotehumdrum as regards events, and all the happier that it should be sobut with no lack of delightful occupation and delightful conversation, and that intimate interchange of thought which makes home life so much fuller than society life.

It called to the front a large class of men of coarse moral fibre who greatly preferred the excitement of speculating in politics to earning an honest living by some ordinary humdrum business.

The humdrum duties and the easy pleasures of garrison life had no lasting charms for the future poet, who was as yet unconscious of his latent power, but was restlessly reaching out for a wider and deeper experience.

You've shown me a glimpse of what life might be; don't let me sink back into the old, humdrum existence from a foolish sense of honor!

He gets along very comfortably in the humdrum round of life without having to measure footprints and smile quiet, tight-lipped smiles.

And like them, he felt that the instruction had become a mere humdrum routine enabling a certain number of boys to get the proper marks at the end of a certain number of months.

Don't waste your ability in that humdrum town of yours.

Humdrum year had succeeded humdrum year, yet he had never despaired.

You're not built for humdrum village life.

While "roughing it" is far more enticing to the inexperienced and indiscreet explorer, I learned in Peru that the humdrum expedient of carefully preparing, months in advance, a comprehensive bill of fare sufficiently varied, wholesome, and well-balanced, is "the better part of valor," The truth is that providing an abundance of appetizing food adds very greatly to the effectiveness of a party.

The memory of suffering endured is often the last thing from which we would be parted, while humdrum happiness we are quite willing to forget.

" "I suppose you think, with Hosea Bigelow, that "''Ta'n't a knowin' kind o' cattle That is ketched with mouldy corn.'" "I needn't tell you that Marcia Sandford is knowing,too knowing to let an enthusiastic lover relapse into a humdrum husband.

He elevates the cult of refinement to such a pitch that the consolations of temperament, of habit, and of humdrum ideals which are common to the coarsest of mankind, appear to elude his observation.

It belongs to that infancy of the world, when the happy guileless human being still holds that somewhere there is a flower to be plucked, a lamp to be rubbed, or a form of words to be spoken which will reverse the humdrum laws of Nature, call up unwilling spirits bound to incredible services, and change all this brown life of ours to scarlet and azure and mother-of-pearl.

Let us suppose all this, and ask only the question: How would this executive treat the humdrum case of wool and mutton?

Mary turned up her pert little nose at this humdrum lot.

Thus many happy weeks passed, Gasparini, the pedlar, selling few volumes, but reaping a rich harvest of stolen pleasure, and revelling in an adventure which added such a new zest to a life sated with more humdrum love-making.

Once genius is granted, heaven-born genius, a mother-wit beyond the dreams of fancy, and then plain humdrum men, ordinary judicial intelligences, will do well to be on their guard against it.

They plod along in a humdrum manner; there is no poetry in their soul,none of those ambitious stirrings which lead the man who has in him the true spark of genius to try for grand things and incur severe and ignominious tumbles.

When I am not acting, the best part of my time is taken up by the most humdrum occupations.

We will follow the fortune of one of these colonies in order to show what extraordinary difficulties they went through, and how much more there is in heaven and earth than is dreamt of in our humdrum philosophy.

In his subtle capacity for enjoying the more refined points of earth, of human relationship, he could throw the gleam of poetry or humour on what seemed common or threadbare; has a care for the sighs, and the weary, humdrum preoccupations of very weak people, down to their little pathetic "gentilities," even; while, in the purely human temper, he can write of death, almost like Shakespeare.

Mutual admiration and many compliments followed, till other ancient ladies and gentlemen arrived in all manner of queer costumes, and the old house seemed to wake from its humdrum quietude to sudden music and merriment, as if a past generation had returned to keep its Christmas there.

Absorbed in reflections on what I heard, and in fancies of a world of which I knew so little, it is not to be doubted that I constructed ideals far beyond the humdrum reality of home life, impracticable ideals that tended only to separate me more from other men.

39 Words to use with  humdrum