24 Words to use with humors

Processing & Books, Inc. (PWH); 24Apr72; R527721. 12 of the world's great humor stories.

(In College humor magazine, Nov. 1925)

The C-L humor test (a humor rating quiz), form B. By Raymond Bernard Cattell & Lester Bernard Luborsky.

The C-L humor test (a humor rating quiz), form B. By Raymond Bernard Cattell & Lester Bernard Luborsky.

With the easy good-humor characteristic of his class, he insisted upon exchanging his own riding-horse, "Five Spot," for the sorry mule which the Duchess rode.

Good humor man.

"Why, there's Peace, Jack, come damme let's push round the grog, And awhile altogether in good humor jog, For they say we shall soon go ashore; Where the anchor of friendship may drift or be lost, As on life's troubled ocean at random we're tost, And, perhaps, we may never meet more.

So whether it be the corrective laughter of Bergson, Jove laughing at lovers' vows, Love laughing at locksmiths, or the cheerful laughter of the fool that was like the crackling of thorns to Koheleth, the preacher, we recognize that it is good; that without this saving grace of humor life would be an empty vaunt.

Materia Melancholiae aliquando in corde, in stomacho, hepate, ab hypocondriis, myruche, splene, cum ibi romanet humor melancholicus.

" Adelaide was in high good humor nowJanet was too preposterous to be taken seriously.

May good humor preside when good fellows meet, And reason prescribe when'tis time to retreat.

But the moral reflections upon tea-tables, the description of Amiana's, where only wit and good humor prevail, and the satirical portraits of a titled coxcomb and a bevy of fine ladies, are all in the manner of the "Tatler."

I've got some things to look after before nightfall," said Bob, while Prather, in a humor proof against any hermit cantankerousness, rode into the yard.

Melancholy attracts, while bad humor repels.

The Judge was in ill humor thet day.

Its references are obscure, its satire abstruse, its humor vague.

This was [1530]Virgil's experiment of old, "Verum ubi tempestas, et coeli mobilis humor Mutavere vices, et Jupiter humidus Austro, Vertuntur species animorum, et pectore motus Concipiunt alios"

Humor frigidus delirii causa, humor calidus furoris.

diversity venal, venial vengeance, revenge verse, stanza vindictive, revengeful visit, visitation visitant, visitor wander, stray warn, caution will, volition wit, humor witness, see womanish, womanlike worth, value <Parallels> Pairs of the third type are made up of words parallel in meaning.

His ease of expression, freshness, and humor charm readers of his verse without making serious demands on their attention.

But what dreams howl about the camp-fires, what hideous scalping-humor creeps from the leathery supper into the limbs and blood of the adventurous pioneer!

It was once thought that this sort of blindness was an incurable extinction of vision by a transparent watery humor distilling on the optic nerve.

Jealousie is admirably described in this View by Horace in his Ode to Lydia [; ] Quum tu, Lydia, Telephi Cervicem roseam, et cerea Telephi Laudas brachia, meum Fervens difficili bile tumet jecur: Tunc nec mens mihi, nec color Certâ sede manet; humor et in genas Furtim labitur, arguens Quam lentis penitus macerer ignibus.

But thou perhapps seekst voluntary pennance, Meaninge to perishe in a frozen clyme Because thou hast abused thy former blessings; Thy gameinge humor hath beene like a fyer.

24 Words to use with  humors