21 Words to use with importance

These, my lords, are the consequences which necessarily ensue from the use of those pernicious, those infatuating spirits, which have justly alarmed every man whom pleasure or sloth has not wholly engrossed, and who has ever looked upon the various scenes of life with that attention which their importance demands.

Besides possessing a small but interesting old cathedral and some ancient houses in its town, many places of historic importance lie in its immediate neighbourhood.

That in affairs of very considerable importance men should deal with one another with satisfaction of mind, and mutual confidence, they must receive competent assurances concerning the integrity, fidelity, and constancy each of other.

There is, moreover, a fact of singular importance bearing on this question, to which Signor Guasti has not attached the value it deserves.

But here a point of great importance calls for our notice.

In these days of hurry and bustle, when events of importance crowd so fast on each other that the memory of each is necessarily short lived, it is gratifying to be reminded from time to time of important services rendered to the nation in a past which, though really recent, seems to the younger generation far away.

Besides, each reader is apt to have a pet interest in certain persons, events, topics, beliefs, which stand in his own mind for universal knowledge, and he is naturally vexed to find how their importance dwindles when they appear in relation to the whole of nature and human life.

but when resolutions are formed, one should be sure of fulfilling them, for in circumstances of such importance failure itself makes the attempt an error.

To matters of minor importance father gave little heed; his domestic life was fast becoming a habit.

It shall be my effort to elevate the standard of official employment by selecting for places of importance individuals fitted for the posts to which they are assigned by their known integrity, talents, and virtues.

They who think too well of their own performances, are apt to boast in their prefaces how little time their works have cost them, and what other business of more importance interfered; but the reader will be as apt to ask the question, why they allowed not a longer time to make their works more perfect?

It was abroad and in his alliance with foreign sovereigns that all his importance lay.

No event of considerable importance marks particularly this epoch of domestic trouble.

In contracts of such importance papers or parchment documents were drawn up and carefully preserved as irrefragable evidences of the transaction.

Nay, that is the most perfect test of all, for in a matter of importance people are on their guard; in trifles they follow their natural bent without much reflection.

"You cannot have your greatest importance save in your relation to me.

Not the matter we have been discussing, we will say no more of that, but a matter of great importance toerto me.

As greater security or greater means enabled, offices and constructions of more importance arcse around its base, inclosing a court.

Official news of importance trickles in in driblets: for the rest, newspaper men, miles from the front, are driven to eke out their dispatches with negligible trivialities.

" "And why does so much importance attach to that word, father?"

HERO AND LEANDER Very great importance attaches to this distinction between selfish and altruistic self-sacrifice.

21 Words to use with  importance