10 Words to use with institutions

(Crofts textbooks on institution administration for home economics students) © 1Jul35; A83977.

A hospital heals a broken limb or cures a fever: what does an institution effect, which professes the health, not of the body, not of the soul, but of the intellect?

" Once more outside, the man led them along a foot-path that seemed to cut the institution grounds in two.

Why is the preponderating good, which has, as you say, proved sufficient to uphold the institution hitherto, to become (in spite of the spread of civilisation and national progress, and the gradual improvement of the slaves themselves) inadequate to its perpetuation henceforward?

Those who would rule must first learn to obey, and certain it is that she would never have been fitted to be afterwards the head of a large institution hundreds to care for and govern, had she not so truly imbibed the spirit of obedience.

Every human institution partakes of the frailties of the individual; it could not be otherwise; all social institutions are human, not superhuman.

The proposition to compromise by letting the North have exclusive control of the territory above a certain line and to give Southern institutions protection below that line ought to receive universal approbation.

" "What an absurd institution society is," observed Taquisara, with contempt.

He knew that by the rules of such institutions time could not be granted; but still he did not feel himself to have been a dishonest man.

In a national institution views were held and taught of which he could not approve, and which he considered compromised him as a member of the nation.

10 Words to use with  institutions