26 Words to use with jaw

He could cut off more heads, and slay more Fillistians with the jaw bone of a member of Congress than the President of these U.S. can by makin' a new deal in the Custom house department.

The colonel's jaw set and the last vestige of the smile left his eyes.

To help along our train two more little engines were added, but even with four of them to draw and to shove their load was now so heavy that we were jerked along with sensations as though we were having a jaw tooth pulled every few seconds.

With his hands clasped round one of his knees he was rocking slowly backwards and forwards; and I noticed, in the lamplight, that his jaw muscles were contracting rhythmically, like the gills of a fish.

He dropped off from me, and fell against the wall, his jaw dropping as if he were dying.

Some of the rest of us went up to Metzger's Candy Store to get some jaw-breakers.

'But what dae ye jaw aboot?' 'Onything ye likeas long as ye leave oot the bad language.'

The clutch which I had made to save myself in falling had torn away this chin-band and let the lower jaw drop on the breast; but little else was disturbed, and there was Colonel John Mohune resting as he had been laid out a century ago.

His eyes were black and ardent, his jaw firm but not prominent.

Jouk and let the jaw gang by.

Miller says, 'It is just a jaw hole which swallows up all,' and from what he has heard he does not believe Walter Scott is worth anything.

"To Zéphine Huntley's?" repeat I, my fingers suddenly breaking off in the middle of their tune, as I turn quickly round to face him; the smile disappearing from my face, and my jaw lengthening; "you do not mean to say that you are going there again?"

The ears were short and delicately made, the eyes well-placed, the distance to the angle of the jaw longin brief, it was that short head of small volume and large brain space which speaks most eloquently of hot blood.

They would by no means make as lovely a picture; for Nancy's upper jaw projects, and she has a wart on her nose, very stiff black hair, and a shingle figure, none of which adds grace to a scene; and Hiram went off in the Slabtown stage, with a tin-box on his knees, instead of in a shell-shaped boat with silken sails; but I know Nancy reads love-stories with great zest, and I know she had a slow fever after Hiram was married.

The head is of the marked dolichocephalic type, flattened at the sides, face is oval more or less, with thick eyebrows, eyes rather prominent, nose broadish and long, lower jaw prominent and firm.

Gray eyed, his dark lashes long enough to threaten to curl, the lean line of his jaw squaring after the manner of America's fondest version of her manhood, he was already in danger of fond illusions and fond mommas.

As each monstrous bill opens, the thin bones of the lower jaw stretch sideways to the breadth of a span by some curious mechanism not described in the books, and at the same time the shrunken bag expands into a deep, capacious net.

Happen such crack-jaw words come easy to a scholar like your ladyship.' 'Does the doctor give no hope?' 'Well, no, my lady.

You hear its jaws workingcrunch, crunch, crunch, but feel too drowsy to get up and expel it.

I had as soon go about with my jaw braced up, as with folk who cannot understand a plain language.

" "By all that's !" swore Anderson, with his jaw bulging.

I took a pen and wrote: "There are in the famine camps in this area certain persons who, though they are not edentulous and though they have some teeth in both jaws, are yet unable to masticate the ordinary ration because the teeth in the upper jaw correspond with the gaps in the lower, and vice versa.

If the jaw cracks or breaks away, however, it will be best to apply a malleable iron hoop around the cylinder to take the strain, and this will in all cases be the preferable expedient, where from any peculiarities of structure there is a difficulty in introducing bolts and keys of sufficient strength.

"And phat, would I be givin' her that jaw-crackin' name fur, when her name's Juanita?"

echoed Barbran and Phil, aghast, while Cyrus sat with his lank jaw drooping.

26 Words to use with  jaw