8 Words to use with jewellery

Few people outside our own borders quite realise, perhaps, what a large and important industry the jewellery trade is in Birmingham.

"This," said her uncle, "was brought to me by Santa Claus, who keeps a jewellery shop in heaven.

"What's the name of the best jewellery store in this town?"

Her father had been a partner in a great jewellery house, Cottier's, of Paris, London, and New York.

O U's, for red coats, top-boots, Hudson's regalias, and mysterious jewellery bills for articles that men don't wear.

The consequence is that jewellery work of the finest fashion is made in small establishments, but as I have said there are so many of these that the "turn-out" in the way of "hands" is a formidable element in our local population.

Well, just you lock up your jewellery-box, and I'll show you.

He would condescend to that for the sake, on a near day, of publicly humiliating a certain vainglorious jewellery dealer.

8 Words to use with  jewellery