27 Words to use with joking

"This isn't a joking matter, sir.

Baker's minstrel joke book.

I took occasion in my speeches, in a joking way which provoked nothing but laughter and good humour, to hint at some of the unreasonable traits in the conduct of my Canadian friends.

" Sylvia was aware, through the laughter which followed this joking remark, that there was an indefinable stir around the table.

Joke tellers Joke book.

"'Little-joke-o' mine-Ginger,' ses Sam, when they caught 'im. 'I was going to tell you about it to-night.

It ain't often I get the chance of a joke agin you Ginger; you're too sharp for a old man like me.' "Ginger Dick didn't say anything.

he would ask, and if Nils Holgersson said no, he began immediately to relate the old joke-legend.

In general, it may be said that if a man's conception of the world lets loose any action in him that is easy, or any faculty which he is fond of exercising, he will deem it rational in so far forth, be the faculty that of computing, fighting, lecturing, classifying, framing schematic tabulations, getting the better end of a bargain, patiently waiting and enduring, preaching, joke-making, or what you like.

Such a large place does the "story" hold in our national life that we have invented a social pastime that might be termed a "joke match."

"No joke skippin' th' ole lady," he chuckled in an undertone.

We know that Trajan, Pliny, Tacitus, the Antonines, Celsus, Lucian and the like,much more the ten thousand philosophers and joke-smiths of Rome,did both feel and apply all this to the Galilean Sect; and yet'Vicisti, O Galilæe'! Ib.

And when he had made some joking answer, she had asked, in a very serious tone: "You're a great friend of Lionel Varick, eh?"

Because wit is an exquisite product of high powers, we are not therefore forced to admit the sadly confused inference of the monotonous jester that he is establishing his superiority over every less facetious person, and over every topic on which he is ignorant or insensible, by being uneasy until he has distorted it in the small cracked mirror which he carries about with him as a joking apparatus.

[101] In other pictures, a clown or jester appears, introducing a witty joking element into the scene and thus presenting Krishna's attitude to love as all-inclusive.

The lots the fellows drew seemed to be in a joking mood when they selected History and Sleepy for room-matesthe hardest student and

But her will hardened slowly under his joking opposition, and she became no less formidable as she grew more calm.

A few days later, Case, in a joking sort of way, remarked to Mr. McLain: "I think some of your landowners ought to sell Major Bancroft something in the way of real estate.

They walked on in silence, and presently he began again in his usual joking strain: "See what one of the Apex girls has been up to?" Apex was too remote for her to understand the reference, and he went on: "Why, Millard Binch's wifeIndiana Frusk that was.

he asked her, trying to keep to his usual joking tone.

Oh, the stringy-bark, &c. At night when work was over I’d nurse the youngest child, And when I’d say a joking word, the mother would laugh and smile.

Joke awaybut don't forget yourself, my dear fellow!

Don't breathe a word, girls," she went on, turning toward them all, and brimming over with merriment and mischief;"but there's the best joke brewing.

It appeared that Burns had told his practical joke broadcast, for the young man heard his name mentioned, and then some one behind him snickered.

" The Michigan man belonged to a practical joke class, and filled in the names of some of his prohibition friends on the blank spaces left for that purpose.

27 Words to use with  joking