12 Words to use with kidney

Take kidney beans when they are young, leave on both the ends, lay a layer of salt at the bottom of your pot, and then a layer of beans, and so on till your pot be full, cover them close at the top that they get no air, and set them in a cool place; before you boil them lay them in water all night, let your water boil when you put them in, (without salt) and put into it a lump of butter about the bigness of a walnut.

Chance led them one night to the Comers, and there amid the imitation palms and imitation French waiters of the imitation French restaurant Tutt invited his friend Newbegin to select what dish he chose from those upon the bill of fare; and Newbegin chose kidney stew.

Endocrine types have other tendencies, which when studied and controlled, will decimate the great assassins of middle age: heart disease and kidney disease, with accompanying degenerations of the blood vessels and circulation.

Permit me, then, to introduce Paul Berkeley, M.B., etc., recentlyvery recentlyqualified, faultlessly attired in the professional frock-coat and tall hat, and, at the moment of introduction, navigating with anxious care a perilous strait between a row of well-filled coal-sacks and a colossal tray piled high with kidney potatoes.

Be silent, ye kidney-eaters, (turning towards the old men,) ye who are fit for nothing but to prowl about whenever an ox is killed.

and you say tapioca pudding or beef-steak and kidney pie.

The Anthlyllis vulneraria is "Our Lady's fingers," and the kidney-wort has been designated "lady's navel."

LOIN OF VEAL Is usually divided into two portionsthe chump end and the kidney end; the latter of which, the most delicate part, must be separated in bones which have been jointed before cooking.

First class.includes the sirloin, with the kidney suet (1), the rump-steak piece (2), the fore-rib (9).

From the blood, thus imperfectly purified, may result kidney troubles and various diseases of the liver and the stomach.

In the lowest of the vertebrates, Petromyzon, the two parts are distinct, the cells of the cortex-to-be are situated in the walls of the kidney blood vessels, projecting as peninsulas in the blood stream, the blood sweeping over and past them.

In case of liver and kidney affections, rheumatism, and gout, the use of fruit is considered very beneficial by many scientific authorities.

12 Words to use with  kidney