24 Words to use with kissing

The boys and girls were taught together, and at recess played togethertag, pawns, and various kissing games.

Here, the proposal being made to hold a kissing match among themselves, Amarilli was unanimously chosen judge, and, the contest over

no kiss hath left a memory sweet.

And in this state she gallops night by night, Thro' lovers' brains, and then they dream of love; On courtiers' knees, that dream on curtsies strait; O'er lawyers' fingers, who strait dream on fees; O'er ladies lips, who strait on kisses dream, Which oft the angry Mab with blisters plague, Because their breath with sweetmeats tainted are.

They are beautiful poems by Swinburne, that is all; he makes Villon speak of a "splendid kissing mouth."

The fatal kiss mystery.

She kiss-ed him, and threw her-self in-to a chair, with the tears of fa-tigue and ex-haus-tion in her eyes.

A mother o'er the couch may bend, And rose-leaf kisses heap: In soothing dreams with sleep they blend, Till even in dreams we sleep.

Kiss papa's hand!"

I die, I faint, I fail! Let thy love in kisses rain On my lips and eyelids pale.

He felt insanely inclined to pick up her little boots, one after the other, and go down on his knees and kiss them; her hat was a flopsy turban, from under the brim of which the most adorable of golden-brown curls half escaped to throw kiss-shadows on her rosy cheeks.

They could be rubbed off with a moist handkerchief if water were handy, and otherwise if it were not, and the person who rubbed always wanted for some mysterious reason to kiss him immediately afterwards, for Peter had the largest kissing acquaintance in Charlestown.

She speaks at some length of the kissing craze and makes several comments on the time she had while out of town.

"Sleeping Dawn hopes that the Great Spirit will give to the soldier of the Great Mother across the seas many happy kissing days in his life.

Esmé, a pained spectator, showed her public spirit by punishing his bad form, but in the act she sealed her own fate, for after this it was inevitable that they should ultimately marry each other, the girl of the kissing episode notwithstanding.

And beyond the Green, at the end of Plough Lane and after you have crossed Leg-o'-Mutton Common, you come to Down Wood, and if you don't meet Little Red Riding-Hood on the way or come on Snow White and her seven dwarfs, that is only because you must have taken the wrong turning after you came through the kissing-gate at the bottom of Lovers' Lane.

Around his gravestone with the first spring-breeze Flock the bairns all, to win the kissing-prize: And whoso sweetliest lip to lip applies Goes crown-clad home to its mother.

Then thus I do salute thee, and again, To make this knot the stronger, Paradise Is there: It may be you are yet in doubt, This third kiss blots it out, I wade in sin, And foolishly intice my self along; Take her away, see her a prisoner In her own chamber closely, Gobrias.

For Teresita twitched her shoulders pettishly and her reins dexterously, and so removed herself some distance from the kissing zone.

Closer favourite's kisses cling, Favourite's fingers sharper sting.'" "Very likely," replied Eunané.

No, there isn't much doing except that some of the girls are rehearsing for the soul kiss contest, but I personally do not have to advertise.

And if Shakespeare's lines smell of law, how strong is the odor of parchment and red tape in these, from Drayton's Fourth Eclogue (1605): "Kindnesse againe with kindnesse was repay'd, And with sweet kisses covenants were sealed.

Which with cold kiss Devotion planted near, And bending water'd with the human tear; That faded "silent" from her upward eye, Unmoved with each rude form of Danger nigh, 1815.]

And foam-bell-kisses drift and break From wind-waves of the South Against my brow and eyes awake,

24 Words to use with  kissing