3 Words to use with landmarks

A ribbon of light spread along the eastern horizon; the more familiar landmarks emergedghosts at first, then in vivid outline, the wooded sky line strengthened; the nebulous magic of the moon died in the forest.

"The ships that came loaded with freight and passengers took it away with them as ballast," I explained, "and of recent years some contractors blasted it off and paved streets with it until it was rescued from further demolition by some appreciative landmark lovers of a women's club.

Meanwhile the experts intrigue; one partial plan after another gets itself accepted, this and that ancient landmark perish, builders grow rich, and architects infamous, and some Tower Bridge horror, some vulgarity of the Automobile Club type, some Buckingham Palace atrocity, some Regent Street stupidity, some such cramped and thwarted thing as that new arch which gives upon Charing Cross is added to the confusion.

3 Words to use with  landmarks