22 Words to use with legend

The only person he wasn't sworn friends with was the handy-man, and there came to be a legend current in the camp, that Kaviak's first attempt at spontaneously stringing a sentence under that roof was, "Me got no use for Potts.

Wild stories are told of the escapades of this brilliant singer, whom Händel never brought to London among all his importationsand with good reason, if she had once pursued him as legend tells.

Together these two recommenced the battle of life, and, as the legend runs, every human being in existence can trace his lineage to them.

Romancers and legend-makers have, therefore, forced Vittoria Colonna to play the rôle of Juliet in Michelangelo's life-drama.

Thou foster-child of Silence and slow Time, Sylvan historian, who canst thus express A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme; What leaf-fringed legend haunts about thy shape Of deities or mortals, or of both, In Tempe or the dales of Arcady?

Item: beareth a great sword whereon is graven the legend lady, dost thou attend?Ha!

That King David laid the foundations of the temple upon which the superstructure was subsequently erected by Solomon, is a favorite theory of the legend-mongers of the Talmud.

A large group of poems in the legend refer, obviously, I think, to the same person.

Thou, in the glory of cloudless noon, The God revealing, Turning thy face from the boundless boon, Painfully kneeling; Or in thy chamber's still solitude, Bending thy head o'er the legend rude.

This manso the legend runsis on the lookout for unusual personalities.

The ancient legend saith: 'Take ye a rose at Christmas tide, And pin thereto your loving faith, And cast it to the waters wide; Whate'er the wished-for guerdon be, God's hand will guide it safe to thee!'

THE HEFT-KHAN OF ISFENDIYÁR Rustem had seven great labours, wondrous power Nerved his strong arm in danger's needful hour; And now Firdusi's legend-strains declare The seven great labours of Isfendiyár.

Then, she is the great legend-teller of the Dahcotahs.

This, therefore, the advocates of the historical character of the legend think, gives probability at least to its truth.

] Hear, O Commander of the Faithful, hear A legend trite to many a childish ear; But scorn it not, nor let its teaching fail, Although familiar as a nursery tale.

"CONJUGI CARISSIMAE" Marble fragment, freed at last From thy prison of the past, By a spade-thrust brought to light After centuries of night, Let me take thee in my hand, And thy legend understand.

Accordingly he tossed it in so folded that the huge capitals expressing some such legend asGLORIOUS VICTORY, might catch the eye at once.

He will liken my speech to the Sirens', it seems, and the legend anent their art is that those who listen to them are not charmed, but destroyed; wherefore the music of the Sirens is not in good repute.

He relapses sometimes into the babbling style of the old chroniclers and legend writers; cites "auctours" and gives long catalogues of names and objects with a naïve display of learning; and introduces vulgar details in his most exquisite passages.

Here the feud legend babbles of revenge, and says that, in the time of Muley Suleiman, one day when the Hhaha people were at prayers at Mogador, during broad day light, the Shedma people came down upon them and slaughtered them, and, whilst in the sacred and inviolable act of devotion, entered the mosques and pillaged their houses.

I now thought of it, only to see that it was a legend fit for credulous ages; and that it must be rejected in common with Herod's massacre of the children,an atrocity unknown to Josephus.

She was the daughter and heiress of king Ryence of Wales, and her legend forms the third book of the Faëry Queen.

22 Words to use with  legend