9 Words to use with lesse

To waste the Land within that with lesse danger The forraigne Enemy might make his entraunce.

In cease lesse currents of complaining verse: Here weepe (young Muse) while elder pens compose More solemne Rites unto his sacread Hearse.

But these things without exercise cannot be done, and therefore I will proceede to shew things to be brought to passe by many, with lesse difficulty, and yet as strange as the rest, which being vnknowne, are maruelously commended, but being vnknowne, are derided and nothing at all regarded.

[Sidenote: Marses Armor] With lesse remorse then Pyrrhus bleeding sword Now falles on Priam.

My shame, thou hast lesse shame then anything: Why dost thou keepe my daughter in a prison? Why dost thou call her Sister, and doe this?

Whyle they are brablinge in the cittye I am sent backe to the villadge to cheire up the too younge mermaydes; for synce theire throates have bin rincht with salt water they singe with no lesse sweatenes.

Thus we remained ail that night at anker, and the farther west that we sayled, the lesse water we had.

All this I tell to this notorious end, That you may use your Courtship with lesse care To your coy mistresses; As when we strike A goodly Sammon, with a little line, We doe not tugge to hale her up by force, For then our line wood breake, and our hooke lost; But let her carelesse play alongst the streame, As you had left her, and sheele drowne her selfe.

For it is on of the 12 provynces, that the grete Chane hathe undre him, with outen his propre lond, and with outen other lesse yles, that he hathe: for he hathe fulle manye.

9 Words to use with  lesse