9 Words to use with loin

The sword had no sooner cut the sack across and punctured the tin, than a fat villain in a loin cloth, squatting on the earthen floor, kneaded flour and oil into a grimy batch of dough.

When the company approached, some thirty women, all wives of the cacique, marched out to meet them, dancing, singing, and shouting; they were naked, save for a loin-girdle, which, though it consisted but of a cotton belt, which dropped over their hips, satisfied these women devoid of any sense of shame.

IX Quand elle fut rentrée au logis, la falaise Blanchissait; près du lit elle prit une chaise Et s'assit toute pâle; on eût dit qu'elle avait Un remords, et son front tomba sur le chevet, Et, par instants, à mots entrecoupés, sa bouche Parlait pendant qu'au loin grondait la mer farouche.

See the mitres and crosiers, the blood-stained heavenly breasts, the loin-linen hanging over orbs of light....

A long suppurating channel extended from the external wound, between the loin muscles and the right kidney, almost to the right groin.

"'Tiger be hanged,' ses Henery Walker, who was almost certain that a loin o' pork on the table was off 'is pig; 'you're the only tiger in these parts.'

Take this as a specimen, "Votre beauté, grande princesse, Porte les traits dont elle blesse Jusques aux plus sauvages lieux: L'Afrique avec vous capitule, Et les conquêtes de vos yeux Vont plus loin que celles d'Hercule.

Here and there, against the saffron tide, or under banks quaggy as melting chocolate, stooped a naked fisherman, whoswarthy as his background but for a loin-band of yellow fleshshone wet and glistening while he stirred a dip-net through the liquid mud.

Season a veal loin roast with salt and pepper and rub with butter.

9 Words to use with  loin