23 Words to use with lung

and it doesn't strike you as probable that Robinson Crusoe had any predisposition to lung trouble?

Exercise also induces a more vigorous respiration, and under increased breathing efforts the lung capacity is increased and the size of the chest is enlarged.

The labored breathing of suffocation and of lung diseases is due to the excessive stimulation of this center, caused by the excess of carbon dioxid in the blood.

But beyond it the screaming went on in volume imperceptibly muffled by its barrier, one ear-splitting caterwaul following another with such continuity that the wonder was where Lady Randolph West found breath to keep up that atrocious row, and whether any dozen women of average lung-power could have rivalled it.

As soon as the contractions cease, the elastic lung tissue resumes its original position, just as an extended rubber band recovers itself.

In vain he tried to stop himself; in vain his fingers would have loosened the buttons of his doublet, to give his lungs room to play.

This should not be lost sight of by any who are attacked with colds or bronchial troubles, or even in the incipient stages of lung difficulties; as thereby they may lessen the inflammation, and defer the progress of the disease.

It has entirely cured the lung weakness, and I have grown strong and vigorous instead of being frail and delicate as of old.

The boy, Digby, vigorous and merry, fought his way through it with no danger, and with comparatively little suffering; Mabel, the baby, had been delicate since her birth; there had been some little difficulty in getting her to breathe after she was born, and a slight tendency afterwards to lung-delicacy.

The catalogue was ordered by the K'ien-lung emperor in 1722.

The effects of lung fever are always felt for a long time.

artificial lung, iron lung, heart and lung machine.

8 Detail from the Buddhist cave-reliefs of Lung-men.

At the beginning of the Ch'ien-lung period (1736-1796), fighting started again in Turkestan.

The steam-cylinders act on the boiler a good deal as a lung-tester acts on a human being; the cylinders draw out the steam from the boiler, requiring a roaring fire to make the vapour rapidly enough and keep up the pressure.

If the head shot is not possible, the lung shot or stomach shot alone is left.

This diminished capacity for respiration is clearly shown by the use of the spirometer, a simple instrument which accurately records the cubic measure of the lungs, and proves beyond denial the decrease of the lung space.

He was an invalided intellectualist, well up in everything, but defective in stamina, muscle force, and lung strength.

There will be no "lung blocks" poisoning human beings that landlords may pile up sordid profits.

Les Oeufs are specially efficacious in lung complaints; La Raíllère is used successfully in affections of the respiratory passages; Mauhourat is specially recommended to aid the digestion of La Raíllère's water; while Les Yeux are beneficial for affections of the eyesas the name suggests.

She told him about Wes, how he had refused to quit smoking and had succumbed to lung cancer.

Aw'll tell yo what ruins me; it's these lung warps.

We are severe upon fire-eaters, Southern and other; yet here are we, cool Northerns, quaffing this very principle and essence of fire in large lung-draughts every moment, each of us carrying a perpetual furnace in his bosom.

23 Words to use with  lung