5 Words to use with malls

abroad in Pall mall magazine, May-Sept. 1927, Nov.-Dec. 1927)

East wind, when to Yazd thou wingest, say thou to its sons from me: "May the head of every ingrate ball-like 'neath your mall-bat be!" "What though from your dais distant, near it by my wish I seem; Homage to your Ring I render, and I make your praise my theme.

How to make the mall order business pay, by Walter Greb & John Fiescher.

By this time the coolies have had a rest and food, and now they return to the works, and either lift up the mall in earthen jars and take it to the mall tank, oras is now more commonly donethey run it along a channel to the tank, and then wash out and clean the vat to be ready for the renewed beating on the morrow.

" First, not abruptly to confound her, With glance and smile he hovers round her: Next, like a Bond-street or Pall-mall beau, Begins to press her gentle elbow; Then plays at once, familiar walking, His whole artillery of talking: Like a young fawn the blushing maid Trips on, half pleased and half afraid

5 Words to use with  malls