37 Words to use with mana

When Stoddard's presence and help had been proffered to herself, Johnnie had not failed to find a gracious way of declining or avoiding; but you cannot reprove a sick mana dying man.

He was surprised, however, to find her already there, and in company with a somewhat sheepish-looking young mana stranger.

Over there was one more like a real mana figure, Bobby thought, with a black thing over its facea mask.

Some have seen such a grin on the face of a drowning mana sight not to be forgotten.

All the marchandize, spices and drugs, are sold by this quintal, except some drugs, as lignum de China, Galanga, and others, whereof they bargaine at so much per candill, aduertising that there be two sorts of candill, one of 16 manas, the other of 20 manas, that of 16 manas commeth to be iust 3 quintals, and that of 26 manas, 3 quintals, 3 roues.

"And how is the fortunate husband of the charming Mrs. Taine to-day?" "Fine, Lagrange, fine," said the mana cough interrupting his words.

"I will therefore have my mule saddled now, and will station my mana countryman from Subiaco and good for any devilryin some place where he can watch the entrance to the house, or the castle, or whatever you call this place.

Henderson was a good mana crackerjack manwhen he had a better man over him.

His ugly soul was disrupted with a desire to possess her, and Aldous knew that when roused by passion he was more like a devil-fish than a mana creeping, slimy, night-seeking creature who had not only the power of the underworld back of him, but wealth as well.

"Trusting that you will forgive the odd freak of a mana criminal, let us saywho makes a confidant of the man set to hunt him down, I beg leave to be, sir, your obedient servant, "SIDNEY MASON.

There is, however, a connecting link and last resort in the person of a young mana cross between a Jap and Filipino.

He had recognized the name of a prominent citizena rigid ascetic, taciturn, middle-aged mana deaconand more than that, the head of the company he had just defended.

Their friendship, meanwhilein the eyes of the worldconferred a peculiar distinction upon the young mana distinction not at all displeasing to the ambitious artist; and the value of which he, probably, overrated.

A singular looking old mana face like marble, with a fearful monumental lookan apparition, drawn, as it seemed, in black and white, venerable, bloodless, fiery-eyed, with its strange look of power and an expression so bewildering.

a rich mana favorite of the gods, you may say, as Pushkin has it, and what did he come to?

3 One evening, in a water-front saloon, Captain Sproule and another mana fellow who was a shipper of freight, as I rememberspent an hour or so with two women whose bad language and painted faces would have told their story to any older person; but to me they were just acquaintances of the captain, and that was all.

Frederic Rogers, so the story goes, was one of those mentioned; at any rate, he entered at Oriel, and became acquainted with Mr. Newman as a tutor, and the admiration and attachment of the undergraduate ripened into the most unreserved and affectionate friendship of the grown mana friendship which has lasted through all storms and difficulties, and through strong differences of opinion, till death only has ended it.

Such a mana gentleman, the inn folk called himhad walked in there, asked for a glass of whisky, lingered for a few minutes while he drank it, and had gone out again.

"Thou hast been to me, Gelsomina, like a flower in a deserta pure spring to a feverish mana gleam of hope to one suffering under malediction.

A splendid-looking mana hero, with curly black hair, a short, straight nose, and grey eyes.

"I done that manif you can call him a mana kindness once, and this is my reward for it.

E. The North-men or Normans, are the Norwegians or inhabitants of Nor-land, Nord-land, or North-mana-land.

It was the leg of a mana leg with a long sea-boot upon it.

Presently down the plank came an oldish mana lieutenant with a heavy moustache and two African ribbons.

"Behold," he panted, "here was an evil mana menace to well-being, wherefore is he dead.

37 Words to use with  mana