24 Words to use with mates

Mate dear: One of my girls, when attached with the blues, invariably says in her written apology for a poor lesson, "Please excuse my frivolous with your imagination, for my heart is warmly."

Mourir en homme (Kia mate toa) By Paul Mousset.

" The stout mate thought of home; a spray Of salt wave washed his swarthy cheek.

all the birds are singing Low, as thou passest, where in leaves they lie; With timid chirp unto their soft mates clinging, They greet that presence without which they die, Die, even with Nature's universal heart, When thou, her queen, dost in thy pride depart, Adelaïda!

At length, I remembered Marble, and, taking leave of Lucy, who would not let me accompany her home, I threw myself down the path, and found my mate cogitating in the carnage, at the foot of the hill.

Some have friends who would rescue them, if they could; others have no friend, no home, no nationality even, the pariahs of the sea, sullen, stupid, and broken-down, burnt-out shells of men, which the belaying-pin of some brutal or passionate mate crushes into sudden collapse, or which the hospital duly consigns to the potter's field.

Round the May-pole, on the grass, Mer-ry lit-tle foot-steps pass; In the mid-dle Bes-sie stands, With the May-pole in her hands; While her play-mates dance and sing Round her in an end-less ring.

Yet shots from four dark hulls embayed Come raking through the loyal crews, Whom now each dying mate endues With his last look, anguished yet undismayed.

The turning-point of Goldsmith's life was reached when Griffiths became security for a new suit of clothes in which that unfortunate hospital-mate examination might be attended.

Did I not stuff ye wid cow-mate galore when the land was as nakud as me tonshure?

"What the d-l are you stopping for?" cried the captain as the boatswain's-mate halted.

"One so seldom thinks of a master's-mate marrying, that the idea of your being in that way has never crossed my mind, except in the manner of a joke.

Here and there an adventurous genius coins a phrase for the benefit of posterity,as we once heard a mate order a couple of men to "go forrard and trim the ship's whiskers," to the utter bewilderment of his captain, who, in thirty years' following of the sea, had never heard the martingale chains and stays so designated.

The larger boat pulled six oars, and seven men, besides the mate Rynders, were selected to go in her.

The second-mate scarce knew what he was about, and the captain took charge of the duty himself.

The cook placed his burden upon its feet, and running up the ladder stood by the mate shivering.

"My soul's-mate, war-mate soldier-girl," he murmured on.

It was the mate-song of the beast of prey, sending up its message to the starscrying out to all the wilderness for a response to its loneliness.

" Then for the first time he looked his mate square in the face.

I rushed college-mate Leslie St. Anne thro' a crash course in typing to join me in Margao.

With this view, then, he ordered the lugger hove-to, the boat of Clinch hauled to the lee gangway, and the prisoners to be all brought on deck; the common men in the waist, and the master's mate aft.

"Tay, they do be tellin' me, at two and thruppence a pound no less, an' mate wanst and twice in the day, an' a sup o' punch at night the way they'd sleep sound!

" In a trice the machine is at the door; Mrs. S is outwill return in a moment; so sorry, cannot wait, leave cards; call again some other day; and we turn ten or fifteen or twenty miles to one side to see another old school-friend for five or ten minutes just long enough for the chauffeur to oil-up while the school-mates chat.

Hang up your bloody colours in the air, Up with your fights, and your nettings prepare; Your merry mates cheer, with a lusty bold spright.

24 Words to use with  mates