71 Words to use with mens

[Sidenote: Coches caried on mens shoulders.]

Is it that mens frayle eyes, which gaze too bold, She may entangle in that golden snare; And, being caught, may craftily enfold Their weaker harts, which are not wel aware?

Men folk are coming!

Men judge of what they do not see by that which they see.

Thou couldst nere fare better: Religious houses are those hyves where Bees Make honey for mens soules.

Great soule oth' world, that through the parts defus'd Of this vast All, guid'st what thou dost informe; You blessed mindes that from the [S]pheares you move, Looke on mens actions not with idle eyes, And Gods we goe to, aid me in this strife And combat of my flesh that, ending, I May still shew Seneca and my selfe die.

These Smock-vermine, how eagerly they leap at old mens kisses, they lick their lips at profit, not at pleasure; and if 't were not for the scurvy name of Cuckold, he should lie with her.

Mens creatrix.

Kangaroo : Men-u-ah : Kangaroo.

Why, Madam, we have a great match at football towards, married men against batchellers, and the married men be all my friends, so I wood faine marry to take the married mens parts in truth.

Pisoes slie creeping into mens affections

Men eminent for spirit and wisdom often resign themselves to voluntary pupilage, and suffer their lives to be modelled by officious ignorance, and their choice to be regulated by presumptuous stupidity.

"That is, you know, quite to a T, And sure as eggs are eggs, Men-servants in a family, Care mostly for their legs!"

and by such art And reasons I can name, most beneficiall To the common wealth, preventing the diseases Which some unwholsome haire breeds in mens heads, It will be worth our agitation, Sir; And you, after the rate of every thousand Per Annum milk'd out of the comon purse Into your owne, may easily defaulke To me a hundred for my first projection.

Men disregard principles to bind themselves to words, and to multiply attacks on individuals.

Though all the earth orewhelm them to mens eies.

Nor thou honest; One, that not long since was the buckram Scribe, That would run on mens errands for an Asper, And from such baseness, having rais'd a Stock To bribe the covetous Judge, call'd to the Bar.

" So Stroza Filius, that elegant Italian poet, in his Epicedium, bewails his father's death, he could moderate his passions in other matters, (as he confesseth) but not in this, lie yields wholly to sorrow, "Nunc fateor do terga malis, mens illa fatiscit, Indomitus quondam vigor et constantia mentis.

You might often see Men game in the Presence of Women, and throw at once for more than they were worth, to recommend themselves as Men of Spirit.

Thou, honorable, true, beloved Lord, Hearken to me, and by thy antient love, I charge thee, banish these realme-sucking slaves, That build their pallace upon poore mens graves.

Men guests were not allowed to join them.

John Hamelton I cant say too much in praise of who was along with the army a packhorse master he picked up the dead mens guns and used them freely when he found them Loaded and when the Indians entered the Camp he took up an ax and at them with it.

"Men hae been married afore now without making sic a stramash.

In this bay lyeth a smal Islande, wherern are many birdes called Pyncuius and sea Wolues that are taken with mens handes: we went into the countrey and spake with the inhabitants, who brought diuers fresh victuailes aborde our shippes, for a knife or small peece of Iron, etc. giuing vs an Oxe, or a sheepe etc.

Every man in this age, has not a soul of Crystal for all men to read their actions through: mens hearts and faces are so far asunder, that they hold no intelligence.

71 Words to use with  mens