8 Words to use with nomine

"My corum nomine beares such swaye," he boasts, "They'le sell their clothes my fees to pay."

Let me not fall therefore (saith David, when wars, plague, famine were offered) into the hands of men, merciless and wicked men: "Vix sunt homines hoc nomine digni, Quamque lupi, saevae plus feritatis habent.

It is said that the seven days of the week as they stand in numerical order were retained and confirmed by Pope Silvester I. (314-336): "Sabbati et Dominici diei nomine retento, reliquos hebdomadae dies Feriarum nomine distinctos, ut jam ante in Ecclesia vocari coeperunt appellari voluit;

In nomine domini, friends, farewell!

Et in medio palatij est vna pigna altitudinis duorum passuum, quæ tota est de vno lapide pretioso nomine merdochas; et est tota circumligata auro, et in quolibet angulo eius est vnum serpens de auro qui verberatos fortissimé: Habet etiam haec pignaretia de margaritis, et per istam pignam defertur potus per meatus et conductus qui in curia regis habetur; et iuxta eam pendent multa vasa aurea cum quibus volentes bibere possunt.

exinde reges suos Arsacis nomine nuncupent.

"My corum nomine sayth not so," rejoins the apparitor, "For all pay fees before they goe.

When the ordo recitandi marks an Office as officium solemne (an excepted feast), the psalms at Lauds and Hours are the Sunday psalms; and at Prime the psalm Deus in nomine tuo (Psalm 53) takes the place of Psalm Confitemini (Psalm 117).

8 Words to use with  nomine