11 Words to use with observers

But," added he, after a short pause, "though to a superficial observer man appears to put on very different characters, to a philosopher he is every where the samefor he is every where moulded by the circumstances in which he is placed.

In place of courage they flaunted an insolent leer, and the smile intended to convey self-confidence betrayed to a close observer anxiety bordering on panic.

Our administrationso shrewd observers and very experienced observers assure mewould be a great deal more popular if it was a trifle less efficient, a trifle more elastic generally.

Fired with these pretty and entirely fanciful pictures the superficial observer burns with indignation and calls down anathema upon the head of the deserter.

At Tsusima the numbers and size of the Japanese Fleet were not such as, before the battle, to give foreign observers grounds for expecting a decisive victory by the Japanese.

The keen observer hesitates in view of all these conditions to advise any young man to invest in real estate for a home beyond a sum which he can afford to lose if need arises to move.

In the midst of these conditions the fighting airman shoots, dodges, pursues, and dives, intent only on one thing, the destruction of his enemy, while the observer photographs, marks his map with every gun-emplacement, railway station, dump of food or ammunition, unconcerned by the flying shells or the strange dives and swoops of the machine.

The fact is, that common observers reason from the progress of the experimental sciences to that of the imitative arts.

The intuitive answer will make the moral observer regret that man should so often place the interdict on his own happiness, and then peevishly repine at his uncheery lot.

(c) That a prisoner is captured (let an observer act as prisoner).

Let us describe the effect in the words of an impartial observer writing at the time: "No such disastrous news has for many years reached this country as that which has arrived from India.

11 Words to use with  observers