19 Words to use with odder

Famous fimmales witt odder events from heestory.

I'll have ter make yer promise not ter tell it ter der odder chaps before I instructs yer.

Odds calculator.

"It is to be hoped not," rejoined Charles; "but, odds fish!

Hiawatta, witt no odder poems; illustrated by the author.

Don't yer ever use it 'less yer dead sure yer wants ter break der odder feller's wrist.

But, Neb, dere one odder differculty to our uner dat

"Vhy, at Minna's vedding der odder night dot drunken Mike O'Hooligan butted in, und me und mein bruder, und mein cousin

strong den, an' I could "show off" befo' de odder niggers.

Come eround some odder night, For dere's gwine ter be er fight, An' dar'll be razzers er-flyin' through de air.

We have nothing told us to support the theory that Deputy's life ever changed in its routine of work, and I am sure you agree with me that there were never an odder pair than the two: Durdles, the stone-mason, and Deputy, his servant.

Will you pe take de odder pottle, or 'ave you

Away, Girls, away, and steal the Bride to Bed; they have a deal to do upon their Wedding-nights; and what with the tedious Ceremonies of dressing and undressing, the smutty Lectures of the Women, by way of Instruction, and the little Stratagems of the young Wenches odds bobs, a Man's cozen'd of half his Night: Come, Gentlemen, one Bottle, and thenwe'll toss the Stocking.

" "Dey ain't no odder swamp

I mean to say, or "Odds bodikins!"

"Determining on which side the odds lie."Locke.

Odds man, he took the note frae his pouch, whare it lay rowed up like a baw, and, papping it at Donald, hit him as fairly upon the nose, as if it had been shot out of a weel-aimed musket.

Against such odds resistance was useless, and the other ships were signaled to lower their topsails in answer to the gun which the leading ship of the squadron fired.

No odder book than John Buncle was published in England throughout the long life of Amory.

19 Words to use with  odder