14 Words to use with papa

Bear cat papa blues.

They need sell many drugs at papa-chemist's to pay for Baldassare's clothes.

The smooth, slab-like, papa cliffs are often curiously markedtongued and grooved, as with a gouge, channelled and fluted.

"Now," added Eleonora, "Camilla has made me understand that nothing will induce her to let papa consent; and though I know he would, if he were left to himself, I also see how all this family must hate and loathe the connection.

9. "But those that papa eats are olive-color," said Clara.

When the war broke out my papa jess left and went on off with some people and joined the Yankee army.

Frank and Charlie won't mind dining in the schoolroom, I know, and having the rest for a dance in the evening; but if Julius did think it unclericalJenny says he won't, and papa laughs, and says, 'Poh!

I sate upon my father's knee, looking up in his face, and thinking, "How sorry papa looks," till, having been fatigued with crying, and now oppressed with thought, I fell fast asleep.

" "But," objected Willie, "to let you make them for nothing would be as bad as to make papa pay for them when they are not necessary.

" "What's a journey?" asked the comical little pig, squinting his eye up at the papa pig.

I heard papa preach at Lynchburg.

He used to give my papa money sumptimes, too.

he said, rising, "what spirit of woman or spirit of mischief tempts you to coquet with me even now?" "I really thought that was the reasonbesides, of course, your desire to make papa amends for not having been to see him sooner after your return.

The poor little Czarevitch, eleven years old, remarked, early in the war, When the Russians are beaten, papa weeps; when the Germans are beaten, mamma weeps.

14 Words to use with  papa