14 Words to use with passionless

I no longer reckoned the days or the hours, I content to enjoy a passionless condition of being that asked no questions and sought none of me, nor did I trouble to number my journeys in the world of infinite shadows.

His conduct exhibited a passionless expediency which was rather dreadful because utterly unhuman.

His lean, supple figure, his passionless face, and his high, masterful air had a singular nobility in them.

There was something far more sinister in this passionless figure, holding his hand on the key that let loose such crazy forces, than in the poor central whirligig who merely set the rhythm of the convulsions.

Now, if the Beauty here referred to is of the human being, we do not gainsay it; but this is beauty in its mixed mode,not in its high, passionless form, its singleness and purity.

I had read the morning's Dispatch and had been shocked at the relation of some harrowing details of pillage and barbarity on the part of the Yankees; yet I felt nothing of individual anger against the wretches when I condemned such conduct, and my judgment told me that my passionless indignation ought to be hot.

(She owed it, indeed, largely to Wallace that her memories of this sentimental, romantic, passionless lady with whom in life she had never been completely in sympathy, were as sweet and satisfactory as they were.)

" The regiment's eyes were fastened on their colonel's tall heavy figure as he walked his powerful horse slowly to and fro along their front, talking to them in his calm, passionless manner.

Passionless perfection and repose seem to be their uniform character.

" Ailsa's head was all awhirl; lips parted, she stared at Celia in stunned silence, making as yet no effort to reconcile the memory of the man she knew with this cold, merciless, passionless portrait.

"Where can I possibly move to more nor I do?" "Don't you come none of that, or I shall make blessed short work of you," says the constable, giving him a passionless shake.

But out there beside the whispering wheat, under the passionless stars, in the dreaming night, it had turned into a blessing.

Sylph-like Undine is making reply: "Though I so motionless sit here above, I am not deaf to thy pleadings of love; Others regard me as passionless stone, Only to thee shall my nature be known.

He put the question in a quiet, passionless tone, as if he were discussing some cause célèbre in which he had nothing more than a professional interest.

14 Words to use with  passionless