48 Words to use with paupers

"Beautiful" I say: for if anywhere in the world you have seen a sight more beautiful than a group of hospital savants bending with endless scrupulousness over a little pauper child, concentering upon its frailty the whole human skill and wisdom of ages, so have not I.

The pauper burial-ground toward which they now progress in a rather high-stepping manner, orto vary the phrasetoward which their steps are now very much bent, is not a favorite resort of the more cheerful village people after nightfall.

No longer ago than yesterday a manufacturer of double-back-action jack-planes had assured him that the single-forward-action jack-planes poured upon our shores by the pauper labor of Europe, were, so to speak, shaving off the edge of the national life.

And when such is the factwhen what may almost without a metaphor be termed floating bridges, have been established between Belfast and Glasgow, and Dublin and Liverpooldoes any one suppose, that if no artificial obstacles be thrown in the way of emigration, or if no efforts be made to provide an outlet in some other quarter for the pauper population of Ireland, we shall escape being overrun by it?

They support their own poor, while they pay the same pauper tax as other citizens.

" "The truth is," explains Mr. BUMSTEAD, "that Judge SWEENEY put into my head to do a few pauper graves with JOHN MCLAUGHLIN, some moonlight night, for the mere oddity and dampness of the thing.

Yet to the Christian philanthropist it is holy ground, for there, in willing sacrifice for others, were spent the last years of the life of that saintly woman who gave the death-blow to the old system of pauper nursing and all its attendant evils.

With these pauper princes his children intermarried, and he fed them with his crumbs and clothed them with scraps of his purple.

He is an ugly figure in his pauper dress.

" At the further end of the pauper burial-ground, and in the rear of the former Alms-House, once stood a building used successively as a cider-mill, a barn, and a kind of chapel for paupers.

There is the impress of sincerity in every pot-hook and hanger; and then the gilt frame to such a pauper picture!

The beds had spring mattresses of steel, and three striped blankets each, and spotted red and white counterpanes such as give pauper dormitories such a cheerful look.

The age of loose promiscuous pauper emigration has gone by.

Bewildered and terrified, hoping every hour to be taken home, they hung about the workhouse, and became acquainted with the flabby pallor and desperate sameness of the pauper face.

Sudat pauper foras in opere, dives in cogitatione; hic os aperit oscitatione, ille ructatione; gravius ille fastidio, quam hic inedia cruciatur.

He is the blind piper, Myles Gorman, who is dressed in the pauper garb.

No, she would take in needlework, labour in the fields, heave ballast among the coarse pauper-girls on the quay-pool, anything rather: but how to meet the present difficulty?

Then, going up too, the spectre appeared also unto two other men, who crawled from behind pauper headstones at his summons; the face of the one being that of J. MCLAUGHLIN, that of the other Mr. TRACY CLEWS.

When next you, housekeeping in England, differ with the respectable, amiable, industrious sixteen-pound maid, who wears a cap and says 'Ma'am,' remember the pauper labour of Americathe wives of the sixty million kings who have no subjects.

Turning from pauper deaths to pauper lives, the condition of the poor, though improved, is far from satisfactory.

a mind which had grasped the only solution of the difficulty, and a large and sympathetic heart which prompted the hand to open wide the purse to accomplish it, for Mr. William Rathbone, ever foremost in all schemes for ameliorating the condition of the poor and needy, had long been alive to the necessity of substituting for pauper nurses trained paid ones.

He computes that by Christmas the Government must come to the aid of the pauper operatives, of whom there are now seven hundred and fifty thousand, a number which will then have increased to nearly a million.

The first was both just and wise and necessary, for previous experience had shown that the first temptation of a pauper land-owner was to sell his land to the rich, and, as the law of Gracchus forbade this, he was bound to give the settler a fair start on his farm.

The oyster of Long Island and the oyster of New-Jersey ought not to be trodden down by the pauper oysters of Europe.

"That pauper-palace which they hate to see," we would fain see substituted a district or county colony, where every able-bodied human being out of employment might find work and subsistence.

48 Words to use with  paupers