31 Words to use with pensions

A representation of her case was made to Government, and in consequence she was placed on the pension-list for 300 pounds a-year.

They rented a little closet for him, on the fifth floor of the house, over their own room, and they nursed him and bought him food and clothes with his pension-money, to which they added a good deal of their own.

The retirement of public employees in Virginia; a manual for the development of municipal pension plans.

Again, state support is refused to such schools or colleges as may be under specific religious control, while pension funds for the teachers, established by generous benefactions, are explicitly reserved for those who are on the faculties of institutions which formally dissociate themselves from any religious influence.

Two of America's largest publishing houses failed for a tidy sum of five millions or so each, a few years ago, just thru a dogged policy, that extended over a period of fifty years, of promoting cousins, uncles and aunts whose only claim of efficiency was that they had been on the pension roll for a long time.

I would also suggest a review of the pension law, for the purpose of extending its benefits to every Revolutionary soldier who aided in establishing our liberties, and who is unable to maintain himself in comfort.

You have passed a pension bill upon which there has been much comment throughout the nation, and yet, when an old army nurse applies for a pension, a woman who is broken down by her devotion to the nation in hospitals and upon the battle-field, she is met at the door of the Pension Bureau by this statement, "the Government has made no appropriation for the services of women in the war."

There was no discipline in the pension system.

A pension act was passed for disabled soldiers and for widows and orphans, who were to be given an adequate allowance at the discretion of the county court.

Then ensued a correspondence between Biddle and Ingham,the former defending Mason and claiming complete independence for the Bank as to its management, so long as it could not be shown to be involved in political movements; and the latter accusing, threatening to remove deposits, attempting to take away the pension agency from the Portsmouth branch, et cetera.

But so vast a fund for distribution attracted the inevitable horde of small lawyers and pension agents, who swelled the lists with multitudes of sham veterans and able-bodied "cripples," until many eminent ex-soldiers cried out for a purgation of that which should be a list of honor.

His partners say he never lost a pension case, nor ever made a cent by one.

Enfin, notre decemvirat sectionnaire, qui se mettoit ainsi au-dessus des decrets, trouve le brevet de pension de mon beau-pere, qui, comme tous les brevets de pension, n'etant pas de nature a etre porte sur le grand livre de la republique, etoit demeure dans le porte-feuille, et qui, comme tous les brevets de pension possibles, commencoit par ce protocole; Louis, &c. Ciel!

In the last four or five years contributory pension schemes for the professorial body and for permanent assistants in receipt of a specified income (usually £250 or £200 and upwards) have been compulsorily established at all British Universities in receipt of a Government grant.

The hotels de la Poste and Henri IV. are here situated, but the roads to the various other hotels and pensions diverge in different directions.

Speaker Reed of the House characterized it as "the most generous piece of pension legislation ever passed by any nation on earth.

Den when dat war was over and 'Kinley was tryin to get us niggers a slave pension dey up and 'sassinated him.

No pension compensates for the loss of husband, son, or father.

In 1808 the United States assumed all the state pension obligations.

The identity certificate went back to a specified address, where it set in motion machinery by which my pension paper was presently delivered to meaccompanied by a form of receipt.

These pension payments were in themselves a heavy burden on the state; not only that, but they formed a difficult transport problem!

In London, for example, at the present time women can vote for the 28 borough councils and 31 boards of guardians of the London City Council; they can also be themselves elected to these; be members of the central unemployed body or of the 23 district committees, and can be co-opted to all other bodies, like the local pension committees.

I was past the pension age.

-dessus, notre homme part pour Paris, épouse une pauvresse de quatre-vingt-sept ans, la quitte au Bureau des Mariages, et s'en retourne à Nantes, d'où il lui envoie promesse d'une pension pour le reste de ses jours.

Shall that false Hebronite escape our curse, Judas, that keeps the rebels' pension-purse; Judas, that pays the treason-writer's fee, Judas, that well deserves his namesake's tree; Who at Jerusalem's own gates erects His college for a nursery of sects; Young prophets with an early care secures, And with the dung of his own arts manures!

31 Words to use with  pensions