11 Words to use with persona

We had various visitors who came down for twenty-four hoursone charming visit from the Marquis de Vogue, then French ambassador at Vienna, where he was very much liked, a persona grata in every way.

Let us assume the existence of such a persona person of whose guilt I alone have evidence.

" "A persona gentleman, mademoiselle," replied Trappon, determined to be on the safe side.

An upper vest, neither so close as to display the persona habit forbidden by the sumptuary laws of the cantonnor so loose as to be an encumbrance in walking or climbing, covered a close tunic of a different colour, and came down beneath the middle of the leg, but suffered the ancle, in all its fine proportions, to be completely visible.

'But at least a persona living, loving personall lovely itself, and giving loveliness to all things!

But instead of a guard with bayonets fixed, there entered a good-looking young woman, ushering in a short, stout, important persona magistrate.

Attacks came hard and fast from the front and both flanks, while a silent soldier thumbed through a formidable card file, apparently to see if I were a persona non grata, or worse, in the records.

"With regard to the second point, I am satisfied that the Scaraboeus or Beetle itself has no persona standi in judicio; and therefore the pursuer cannot insist in the name of the Scaraboeus, or for his behoof.

SILAS: A seeing how 'tis for the other persona bein' that other person, kind of honesty.

The Public Trustee never dies, never goes out of his mind, never leaves the Colony, never becomes disqualified, and never becomes that extremely disagreeable and unpleasant persona trustee whom you do not trust.

The sequence of events resultant on its "unwinding" would be the destiny of the persona destiny determined, necessarily, by past action.

11 Words to use with  persona