14 Words to use with piazza

The two young people sat down on the piazza steps while the music of The Sultan's Polka floated out of the barn door.

Then Dora Robson, glancing over the piazza railing, exclaimed, "It's Will Wentworth.

Although an official in uniform keeps the piazza door, they are free.

It was in doing this that the delicate material of her dress caught in a protruding nail in the splint piazza chair with an ominous sound.

Up above, out of a window over the piazza roof, looked two others,young girls, one of them at least,also, upon the scene of the setting-off.

she asked, with the most magnificent intrepidity, when she hadn't the least idea what there would be to give them all if they did, as they came round under the piazza basement, and up to the front portico.

This is a bad quarter for vandalism; for in the piazza opposite is a most exquisite little loggia, built in 1468, the three lovely arches of which have been filled in and now form the windows of an English establishment known as "The Artistic White House".

After dinner the three other Penney sisters all tried their best to be agreeable, Marie donning a clinging blue gown and walking up and down the piazza watering plants at this unusual hour of the day for his particular benefit, a performance which caused L. Middleton to ask, "Say, did you ever do a vaudeville turn?"

The young men leaned forward over the piazza-rail and scrutinized the occupants of the vehicle as it appeared.

The previous ceremony on the Grandissime back piazza need be no impediment; all slave-owners understood those things.

Stephen found her stooping down, with her face close to the piazza cracks.

And now," continued the young lady, "we have come back to warm piazza-days again, and can have our talk in the open air.

Piazza della Signoria is the business as well as the historic center of Florence.

Ruth was coming down stairs, and saw grandfather's papers give a whirl out of his lap and across the piazza floor upon the gravel.

14 Words to use with  piazza