6 Words to use with pike

Gradually, the mist lifting, he saw long files of men-at-arms riding along very orderly, with archers and pike-men.

The rebel we quizzed yesterday says that there are five fords between the Warrenton pike bridgethat's just ahead of us yonder at the end of the road we are onthe last one is McLean's Ford, at the very knuckle of the elbow that is crooked toward us a mile west of where we were yesterday.

Keep of, Turnops: Ye come upon our Pikes els.

Our old pilot, the Portuguese, proved both our captain and engineer, and desired us not to fire, till they came within pistol shot; and when he gave the word of command, then to take the surest aim: but he did not bid us give fire, till they were within two pikes length of us, and then we filled fourteen of them, wounded several, as also their horses, having every one of us loaded our pieces with two or three bullets at least.

Enter Fernando, bareheaded, talking with the Duke of Macada; Duke Gyron, Medyna, Marquesse d'Alquevezzas; 2 Gen., one with Pikes sword, which is laid on a table; Jaylour, Teniente; Clarke with papers.

This land, reputed sorcerous, in no way displayed to him any unusual features, though it was noticeable that the King's marmoreal palace was fenced with silver pikes whereon were set the embalmed heads of young men who had wooed the Princess Alianora unsuccessfully.

6 Words to use with  pike