15 Words to use with pinching

Allow to soak for an hour, remove onion, add pinch salt, &c., and a beaten egg.

Cook till it thickens; remove from fire and stir in the cheese, pinch cayenne, and yolks of eggs beaten up, beat up whites stiffly, and mix in lightly.

I think it is just this, that the women who are pure gold grow more charming, but the pinch-beck wears off very soon.

avarice, greed &c 817.1. miser, niggard, churl, screw, skinflint, crib, codger, muckworm^, scrimp, lickpenny^, hunks, curmudgeon, Harpagon, harpy, extortioner, Jew, usurer; Hessian [U.S.]; pinch fist, pinch penny.

Pass on either side of Pinch-gut Island, and, in hauling into Sydney Cove, avoid a rocky reef that extends off Point Bennelong for rather more than two hundred yards into the sea.

Crandall, perhaps one of the best pinch hitters in the major leagues, also struck out, and the Boston enthusiasts who were present fell back in their chairs from sheer exhaustion, but when they had recovered, with their band leading them, marched across the field and cheered Mayor Fitzgerald of Boston, who was present as a spectator of the contest in company with Mayor Gaynor of New York.

He'll be thrown amang them who've ne'er had to gie thocht to the morrow and the morrow's morrow; who, if ever they've known the pinch o' poverty, ha' clean forgotten.

There is no such pinch peney on live as this good fellowe is.

Rub in very lightly with the tips of the fingers, add pinch pepper and salt, and mix to a soft dough with a little water.

Put these in a saucepan with boiling water to barely cover, a little salt, pinch sugar, and a little mint, sage, or parsley.

Jo Hertz, in one of those pinch-waist belted suits and a trench coat and a little green hat, walking up Michigan Avenue of a bright winter's afternoon, trying to take the curb with a jaunty youthfulness against which every one of his fat-encased muscles rebelled, was a sight for mirth or pity, depending on one's vision.


Children are born, and marriage-flutes wake the echoes of the mountain solitudesand mothers weep, hearing them, remembering their young days and present pinching want.

Always carry a roll of insulating tape, or on a pinch bicycle tire-tape will do very well.

Two pounds Artox wholemeal, 1/2 lb. butter, 5 oz. sugar, 1/2 oz. cream of tartar, pinch carbonate of soda, 2 eggs, milk.

15 Words to use with  pinching